clarence river water quality

Level 1 Water Restrictions. These records form the basis for the state and trend indicators displayed on the dashboard. Council's water consistently meets these guidelines and is safe to drink. Serious water quality problems are associated with the drainage of acid sulfate soils, which results in the flow of acidic (low pH) water into the surface water system. The mean annual discharge between 1923 and 2012 of the Clarence River at Lilydale gauge (204007), which has an upstream catchment of 16,690 km 2, was 3400 GL. If camping by the river and waking to the sounds of birds or rising early to spot a platypus are what you have in mind for your wilderness camping holiday, Clarence River Wilderness Lodge is the place for you. Appendix 3. For at least half the time, the estimated risk is <1 in 1000 (0.1% risk). Seqwater (2012) Logan River Water Supply Scheme. For this reason the water is re-chlorinated at the 21ML reservoir to ensure a lasting residual, which protects the water from any sources of recontamination in the distribution system (further information on the addition of chlorine to water supplies is available below). This allows Council to monitor the physical, chemical and microbiological properties of our drinking water. Clarence River surf forecast is for near shore open water. Water Quality: 3.0 (1: Known health risks from pollution. This site is a {{siteDescription}} site. Figure 28 Clarence river basin, major water storages and active stream gauging locations For council details see About LAWA. The bands for Dissolved Reactive Phosphorus are as outlined in the NOF for freshwater: This graph is displaying Total Phosphorus concentrations over the selected time period. Sunshine Sugar coordinated a study of surface water quality adjacent to canelands in north-e ast coastal NSW. You can adjust this period by changing the dropdowns. More information about the regional scheme can be found on the Coffs Habour Council website, link is here. Many people in the Clarence Valley use rain water as a primary source of water for drinking, preparing food, personal hygiene and gardening. Queensland Water Commission. Published 19 Jun 2020. You can download a summary of Council’s Risk Assessment DWMS -   Download a summary of Council’s risk assessment and DWMS. The same operating conditions apply, so if the river is not able to be used, water is transferred to Coffs Habour from Shannon Creek Dam. National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management 2020, National Environmental Monitoring Standards. Do as much or as little as you want. Lake Minnie Water with Lake Hiawatha in the background. The Clarence river basin has the largest annual runoff of all of the river basins in the Clarence-Moreton bioregion. Queensland Water Commission (2010) South East Queensland Water Strategy. Ecological communities are impacted by moderate DRP elevation above natural reference conditions. Welcome to The Clarence Canoe & Kayak Trail - the longest white water trail in Australia! Thanks Kevin for … NSW Water Quality and River Flow Objectives: About the Objectives. We record water levels at 155 river and lake sites in Canterbury, from the Clarence River/Waiau Toa in the north to the Waitaki River in the south. Spot Info. Operating Hours. These records form the basis for the state and trend indicators displayed on the dashboard. is piped to a 21ML reservoir at Maclean. Therefore the data shown here has been collected and analysed following best practice. Water from the Nymboida River or Shannon Creek Dam is treated at the Rushforth Road Water Treatment Plant located just outside of South Grafton. Overall, Shannon Creek Dam is used to supply the Clarence Valley’s water about 5% of the time. River flow data. The quality of Council’s drinking water is regularly monitored and analysed. The water from both sources is pH adjusted and chlorinated prior to being stored in reservoirs and distributed to the villages. These data are shown as blue coloured bars and are not used by LAWA for the state and trend indicators. For more than 30% of the time, the estimated risk is >=50 in 1000 (>5% risk). You can adjust this period by changing the dropdowns. Residents are reminded that Level 1 Water Restrictions apply to all properties on town water supply in the Clarence Valley. Water Quality Objectives. For at least half the time, the estimated risk is <1 in 1000 (0.1% risk). Due to the long distance the water travels, the chlorine residual is very low by the time it reaches this reservoir. These records form the basis for the state and trend indicators displayed on the dashboard. Quality on a good day: 3.0. increased the potential for water quality problems to occur, especially given the chronically poor water quality within the river caused by wastewater discharges, brackish seepage from irrigation leach drains, and irrigation return flows. The NSW Government has endorsed the “Australian Drinking Water Guidelines 2011” as a foundation for assessing drinking water safety and quality. Mean annual evaporation ranges from 800 to 1131 mm and runoff coefficients (runoff divided by rainfall) vary by a factor of more than two (0.14–0.40) across the Clarence-Moreton bioregion. A water quality monitoring system may enable agencies to detect changes in Rio Grande water quality more quickly. This document provides a summary of water quality guidelines proposed to protect and mange the environmental values supported by the water resources. Today's Clarence River sea temperature is 15.7 ° C ( Statistics for 05 Jan 1981-2005 - mean: 15.3 max: 17.3 min: 13.9 ° C ) Land-use in the Clarence River basin .....Error! Level 1 Water Restrictions are now in place for the Clarence Valley. Local Surf Guide; Reviews & Ratings; Photos (4) You can compare surf consistency and wind quality across different surf breaks, or at different times of the year for a single break, or any other combination. Department of Environment, Climate Change and Water : Select from the scrolling list, statewide map or catchment list This dashboard shows information on the data collected by the regional councils for water quality indicators, analysed as state and trend. This site is situated in the upper reaches, within the Molesworth station. Starts approaching acute impact level (ie risk of death) for sensitive species. If all Cawthron ticks are green, then you can trust this data. If the Nymboida River cannot be used as source water due to low flow, less than 225 Megalitres (ML) a day or the turbidity is too high, such as after a wet weather event or flood, our water is sourced from the off stream storage of Shannon Creek … In August 2014 Council adopted a Drinking Water Management System (DWMS) that outlines how Council ensures drinking water meets the Australian Drinking Water Guideline requirements. 20-30% of the time, the estimated risk is >=50 in 1000 (>5% risk). You can adjust this period by changing the dropdowns. It covers more than 195 km of river between the Nymboi-Binderay National Park and the township of Copmanhurst, encompassing the Nymboida, Mann and Clarence river systems. Ecological communities impacted by substantial DRP elevation above natural reference conditions.  for some indicators. If other conditions also favour eutrophication, DRP enrichment may cause increased algal and plant growth, loss of sensitive macroinvertebrate and fish taxa, and high rates of respiration and decay. Today's Clarence River sea temperature is 16.1 ° C ( Statistics for 08 Jan 1981-2005 - mean: 15.3 max: 17.3 min: 13.6 ° C ) Town water available, hot shower, flushing toilet, firepit and picnic table.. With only 2 sites there is ample room for all. The flow of the river, the daily consumption and the amount of storage remaining in the dam is available on the homepage of this website. For more details on each tick, see our 'Can I Trust This Data?' Drinking water quality. ... Water Temp. For at least half the time, the estimated risk is <1 in 1000 (0.1% risk). The upper reaches of the river is an important breeding area for the black-fronted tern.. Terrorist attacks in the U.S. on September 11, 2001, combined with rapidly evolving water quality monitoring technology over the past decade, have increased emphasis on safeguarding the nation’s drinking water. The Clarence River is tidal to the boat ramp, so you will get a mix of fresh water and salt water species. National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management 2020 Minnie Water and Wooli water is sourced from the pristine lakes of Lake Minnie Water and Lake Hiawatha. Easy access to a large grassy poplar lined area with Clarence River views. All samples were collected using approved field protocols and have been analysed in accredited laboratories. The main water supply (other than the village systems of Wooli and Minnie Water) in the Clarence Valley is sourced from the pristine Nymboida River, part of the Clarence River catchment area. Under the Regional Water Supply Scheme, the Nymboida River and Shannon Creek Dam are both used to supply Coffs Habour with raw water for its storage dam. Tank water. Clarence River surf forecast is for near shore open water. Yellow coloured bars on the graph represent turbidity values measured in NTU. The Clarence River Crossing entails a new 525-metre long road bridge crossing of the Clarence River, Grafton. * The predicted average infection risk is the overall average infection to swimmers based on a random exposure on a random day, Bookmark not defined. Generated salt load per unit source area for stations in the Clarence River basinError! State shows how the median of samples from this site compares to other sites. This graph is displaying Turbidity levels over the selected time period. Council's water consistently meets these guidelines and is safe to drink. The Nymboida River also gravity feeds water to Shanon Creek Dam when required. Queensland Government (2013) Water Monitoring Data Portal. These records form the basis for the state and trend indicators displayed on the dashboard. Their groundwater quality ranges from brackish to saline with maximum salinities equivalent to half the salinity of sea water reported locally. This site is accessed from the back of Hanmer Springs via a gravel road. Water for the Lower River areas (such as Maclean, Yamba, Iluka, Brooms Head etc.) The bands for E. coli are as outlined in the NOF for freshwater: This graph is displaying Black Disc readings over the selected time period. A FORMER council alderman believes he has positively identified the sources responsible for the Clarence River’s constant poor water quality readings. Download the Water Cycle rates newsletters. Bookmark not defined. Ecological communities are slightly impacted by minor DRP elevation above natural reference conditions. Whitewater paddling Copmanhurst is the end of Section 8 on the Clarence Canoe & Kayak Trail. Published 10 Jul 2020. You can adjust this period by changing the dropdowns. Environmental monitoring data. These records form the basis for the state and trend indicators displayed on the dashboard. It offers spectacular scenery, an abundance of wildlife and some exhilarating whitewater adventure! River Flow Objectives. Figure 28. 80% species protection level: Starts impacting regularly on the 20% most sensitive species (reduced survival of most sensitive species). The Clarence River is an alpine-fed river. The highest seasonal water temperatures at Clarence River in the first part of February lend themselves to a 4/3mm wetsuit or a 3/2mm suit and 3mm neoprene boots. Trend shows how the quality of water is changing over time. All samples were collected using approved field protocols and have been analysed in accredited laboratories. ... 50 River Street, Maclean. The quality of Council's drinking water is monitored regularly (more than 20 drinking water samples each week) and analysed independently at a NSW Health laboratory against the values in the Australian Drinking Water Guidelines. The water is then distributed through a series of pipes and reservoirs around the Lower River. Currently showing the state of this site compared to: The state is also represented by comparison to the National Objectives Framework (NOF) in the This road is popular during the winter months as Rainbow ski field is also in this area. 5: Never any pollution). 99% species protection level: No observed effect on any species tested. The quality of Council's drinking water is regularly monitored and analysed against the values in the Australian Drinking Water Guidelines. Breaking waves will often be smaller at less exposed spots. Clarence River ratings. Figure 27. The main water supply (other than the village systems of Wooli and Minnie Water) in the Clarence Valley is sourced from the pristine Nymboida River, part of the Clarence River catchment area. Newsletters. The maximum daily flow recorded during this period was 1200 GL. If ever the water does not comply with the health limits set in the Australian Drinking Water Guidelines and the water is unsafe for drinking, Council will inform the community as soon as possible through a variety of communication channels (including this website). You can adjust this period by changing the dropdowns. Upcoming events. National bottom line: Annual median 0.24 mg NH. Kayaking from the campsite is also really popular, or just relax and watch the prawn trawlers slowly drift past. 5: Reliable year-round spot). Extract from the Kaikoura Zone Implementation Programme: ‘Weed and pest control is critical to maintain biodiversity and the natural values of the river. You can adjust this period by changing the dropdowns. These records form the basis for the state and trend indicators displayed on the dashboard. Unfortunately we … (1: Clarence River is a fickle surf spot that only works a few times a year. For enquiries about monitoring or sites, please contact the relevant council directly. These records form the basis for the state and trend indicators displayed on the dashboard. Depending on the sampling history duration, five, ten and fifteen year timescales are available: The Cawthron Institute has worked alongside regional councils to verify the processes and methods used for data collection, laboratory analysis of samples collected and the statistical analysis and interpretation of the results presented. This section gives the Water Quality Objectives (WQOs) and the River Flow Objectives (RFOs) for the Clyde River and Jervis Bay catchments which should be used to develop plans and actions affecting water quality and river health. The effectiveness of Floodgate management in improving fish passage and water Network Service Plan 2013 - 2017 Irrigation pricing submission to QCA. Find out about how State and Trend are calculated. Find out about how State and Trend are calculated. ignoring any possibility of not swimming during high flows or when a surveillance advisory is in place (assuming that the. No adverse effects attributable to dissolved reactive phosphorus (DRP) enrichment are expected. This allows Council to monitor the physical, chemical and microbiological properties of our drinking water. We measure river flow at 132 of these sites and this information is combined with water level data to produce continuous flow records. You can adjust this period by changing the dropdowns. The treatment process involves prechlorination, pH correction, chloramination disinfection and fluoridation. Bookmark not defined. This graph is displaying Ammoniacal Nitrogen concentrations over the selected time period. These records form the basis for the state and trend indicators displayed on the dashboard. If other conditions also favour eutrophication, sensitive ecosystems may experience additional algal and plant growth, loss of sensitive macroinvertebrate taxa, and higher respiration and decay rates. You can adjust this period by changing the dropdowns. The water is then distributed throughout the Clarence Valley using a network of pipework and reservoirs. Projected groundwater in the Clarence River basin.....Error! Water quality and habitat quality variables at reference and gated drainage systems in the lower Clarence River floodplain..... 159 Appendix 4. Council provides sewer and water services to the Clarence Valley. If the Nymboida River cannot be used as source water due to low flow, less than 225 Megalitres (ML)  a day or the turbidity is too high, such as after a wet weather event or flood, our water is sourced from the off stream storage of Shannon Creek Dam. Figure 26. In combination with other conditions favouring eutrophication, DRP enrichment drives excessive primary production and significant changes in macroinvertebrate and fish communities, as taxa sensitive to hypoxia are lost. The bands for Ammoniacal Nitrogen are as outlined in the NOF for freshwater: This graph is displaying Dissolved Reactive Phosphorus concentrations over the selected time period. Home » Services & Infrastructure » Infrastructure » Water & sewer » Drinking water quality. Ecological communities and ecosystem processes are similar to those of natural reference conditions. Relax to river time and get away from technology. This graph is displaying Total Nitrogen concentrations over the selected time period. The Clarence Valley Council says it is baffled as to why the water quality in the local river is so bad. Viewed 23 October 2013, Tel (02) 6643 0200Email, 42 Victoria Street, Grafton, and50 River Street, Maclean, Phones and Live Chat:8.30 am to 4.30 pm Monday to Friday, Cashiering:8:30 am to 4:00 pm Monday to Friday, Development Application Lodgement:8.30 am to 3:30 pm Monday to Friday, Aboriginal services - Goorie, Koori & Murri, Development Applications and Certificates, Lower Clarence Aboriginal Tourist Site Drive, Download a summary of Council’s risk assessment and DWMS, Pollution Incident Response Management plans. Molesworth is open to tourists during the summer months, with historic areas to visit and some camping available. Your own wooden jetty that you can fish from. The predicted average infection risk is >3%*. Water quality criteria for the Clarence River at Grafton has been sourced from the Australian and New Zealand Guidelines for Fresh and Marine Water Quality(ANZECC & ARMCANZ,2000). Figure 29. 95% species protection level: Starts impacting occasionally on the 5% most sensitive species. Fish, swim, kayak, etc. Dam level increases reflect the recent local runoff into Shannon Creek Dam. ‘The main weed challenges on the Clarence/Waiau-toa river is willow, broom and gorse. Only the priority RFOs are listed in this section, but the remaining objectives still need to be considered when developing flow … This site is situated in the upper reaches, within the Molesworth station. It has been estimated that more than 500 km 2 of land is affected by drainage works in the Lower Clarence ( DLWC, 1998 ). Environment Canterbury (ECan) records water levels at 154 river and lake sites in Canterbury, from the Clarence River/Waiau Toa in the north to the Waitaki River in the south. However, if one or more ticks are orange, then conclusions should be treated with some caution. The Nymboida River also gravity feeds water to Shanon Creek Dam when required. The predicted average infection risk is 1%*. Your own private campsite on the grassy banks of the Clarence River, with views over the river and an old large Mango tree beside you. 2000, Clarence River water quality monitoring / NSW Department of Public Works and Services, Manly Hydraulics Laboratory Manly Vale Hydraulics Laboratory Manly Vale, N.S.W Wikipedia Citation Please see Wikipedia's template documentation for further citation fields that may be required. UPDATE 12:30: Clarence Valley Council have issued an official response to the claims made in the ABC article, stating that council has always been open about water quality issues. The past few weeks we have also witnessed thousands of dead fish in parts of the Macleay, Hastings and Clarence River estuaries. The predicted average infection risk is >7%*. Around 35,000 ha of good agricultural land are used for sugar cane production by 600 growers in Australias most southerly cane growing region, located at downstream ends of the Tweed, Brunswick, Richmond and Clarence River Catchments. Coes Ford water sampling enables nationwide study. Flow of water in the alluvial aquifers in the Clarence-Moreton bioregion is controlled by a number of factors. At its coldest in the third week of August, low water temperatures at Clarence River are suited to a 5/4mm or 5/3mm good quality wetsuit with neoprene gloves and 3mm boots. The Clarence River is an alpine-fed river. Factsheet. The predicted average infection risk is 2%*. Some councils now also measure turbidity in FNU. ... Ahuriri Arm water quality still a focus – one year on. Breaking waves will often be smaller at less exposed spots. This graph is displaying Total Oxidised Nitrogen concentrations over the selected time period. This graph is displaying E. coli concentrations over the selected time period. Black Disc samples for Clarence River at Clarence Valley Road intersection, Turbidity samples for Clarence River at Clarence Valley Road intersection, Total Nitrogen samples for Clarence River at Clarence Valley Road intersection, Total Oxidised Nitrogen samples for Clarence River at Clarence Valley Road intersection, Ammoniacal Nitrogen samples for Clarence River at Clarence Valley Road intersection, Dissolved Reactive Phosphorus samples for Clarence River at Clarence Valley Road intersection, Total Phosphorus samples for Clarence River at Clarence Valley Road intersection, Ahuriri Arm water quality still a focus – one year on, Coes Ford water sampling enables nationwide study. The predicted average infection risk is 3%*. Sitedescription } } site series of pipes and reservoirs around the Lower River (! » water & sewer  » drinking water quality: 3.0 ( 1: Known risks! 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