That is the clear application of verse 26. x. Our text last week presented God’s free invitation of the gospel. For I came to SET A MAN AGAINST HIS FATHER, AND A DAUGHTER AGAINST HER MOTHER, AND A DAUGHTER-IN-LAW AGAINST HER MOTHER-IN-LAW; and A MAN’S ENEMIES WILL BE THE MEMBERS OF HIS HOUSEHOLD. It is similar to the Parable of the Wedding Feast (Matthew 22:1-14), but with some significant differences. It was worthless for any useful purpose and had to be thrown away. Few people would persist at meeting the demands of his family without the promise of having certain of his needs being met in the process. Unless otherwise noted, all Scripture Quotations are from the New American Standard Bible, Updated Edition © The Lockman Foundation, Steve served as the pastor of Flagstaff Christian Fellowship from May, 1992 through his retirement in December, 2018. To be hated, here is to be loved less than another. The seller says, “It’s very expensive.” “How much?” “A lot!” “Well, do you think I could buy it?” the man asks. (1-6) He teaches humility. (2) The Jewish family was also mistakenly supposed to give one salvation. The cults all seek disciples, but they usually do not encourage their “disciples” to “give up” all their possessions, but to “give them away,” namely, to give their possessions to the leader. Question: "What is the meaning of the Parable of the Great Banquet (Luke 14:15-24)?" He is saying, “Lord, Lord,” but on that fearful day, he will hear the awful words, “I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness” (Matt. He responded to people seeking good seats by advising them to seek the lowest seat and to invite the least desirable guests (14:7-14). If it’s tails this time, I’ll go.” Tails. If Peter, James, and John, the three closest followers of Christ, could not follow through, why would we dare to think that we would? Question: "What did Jesus mean when He instructed us to hate our father and mother (Luke 14:26)?" . (1) The Jewish family provided status. “He who has ears to hear, let him hear.”. Unlike many preachers of our day, Jesus did not desire a large following. He has provided everything at His expense and He invites sinners to come to His great dinner. Philippians 3:1-11). Salvation is both absolutely free and yet it costs you your very life. But suppose that I did desire to climb Everest. I believe they do. Pollster George Gallup contends that fewer than ten percent of evangelical Christians could be called deeply committed. (15-24) The necessity of consideration and self-denial. What does He mean? What the man thought would bring him fame, brought him shame. Large crowds were traveling with Jesus, and turning to them he said: “If anyone comes to me and does not hate his father and mother, his wife and children, his brothers and sisters—yes, even his own life—he cannot be my disciple. (3) The Jewish family also offered one security. How, then, can Jesus command us to hate those whom we love, and those whom we are elsewhere commanded to love? Please now, let it be heads again.” It was heads. 4. What challenging teaching did Jesus give (26)? Sitting down implied that some time and much thought should have been devoted to this matter of discipleship. Both the willing and the doing come from Him, and not from us. What else” “Am I supposed to sleep in my car?” “Oh, you have a car?” “Yes, I own two of them.” “They’re mine now.”, “Look, you’ve taken my money, my house, my camper, and my cars. If he crashes, I die. Anyone who does not carry his cross and come after me cannot be my disciple. Is this biblically defensible? Or, could the love of money be choking out the Word in your life? 12:14). And anyone who does not carry his cross and follow me cannot be my disciple (Luke 14:25-28). ix. This is true discipleship. We know that Leah was Jacob’s first wife, not due to his decision, but to Laban’s deception. Such careful thinking is opposed to an impulsive decision made in a moment of intense emotion, without much thought about the consequences. Home › Group Notes › Luke 14:25-35 – The True Cost of Following Jesus (Apr 2nd) The key to resolving this tension is to be found in an accurate definition of the term “hate” as it is used here. In verse 25, the setting is described—a large crowd of people are following Jesus. Salvation is not just a decision that a man makes, but it is the mighty power of God in raising a dead soul to eternal life. The âgreat multitudesâ were doubtless people going to the passover, who moved along in clusters (Luke 2:44), and who on this occasion falling in with our Lord had formed themselves into one mass about Him. By Lois Parker Edstrom. He means that our allegiance and love for Him must be so great that by comparison our love for our families and even for our own lives looks like hatred. It’s totally free for me. His dad looked hard at him, then went out to slam the door. (3) Both the builder and the king failed to finish, and ended in humiliation and shame. At the outset I need to point out that there are many in evangelical circles who draw a sharp distinction between salvation and discipleship. The choir or band is playing a song of invitation. 3. Or, consider a friend who offers me a free ride in his airplane. “Well, I have $10,000 in the bank.” “Good, $10,000. In Paul’s words, “They profess to know God, but by their deeds they deny Him, being detestable and disobedient, and worthless for any good deed” (Titus 1:16). Both refer to careful, detailed, rational thinking in which you consider all aspects of what you’re getting into before you make the commitment. Luke 14:25–35 . 14:32 A delegation. Why such tough talk from Jesus? After he became a Christian, his father did not want him to go to college and did not want him to become a minister, which young Fran felt called to be. Answer: First, we must take this verse in the context of the chapter. Salvation is absolutely free, but once you receive it, it costs you everything. The word “suppose,” found in verse 28, is not the best choice, in my opinion, for the first word in the original text is the term usually rendered “for,” indicating that an explanation follows. In this case, He begins with a truth statement that is hard to understand. 32 If he is not able, he will send a delegation while the other is still a long way off and will ask for terms of peace. “But I thought you said it was very expensive.” “I did.” “Well, how much?” “Everything you have,” says the seller. And He turned and said to them, 26 “If anyone comes to Me and does not hate his father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters, yes, and his own life also, he cannot be My disciple. He spake a parable— The ensuing discourse is so termed, because several parts are not to be understood literally. Thus it is possible to follow Christ superficially and it is to such followers that Jesus lays out the cost of discipleship. Browse Sermons on Luke 14:25-35. Jesus’ words here are tough and sobering! In Luke we have already studied the story of the healing of Simon's mother-in-law (Luke 4:38); of the man with the withered hand (Luke 6:6); and of the woman who was bent for eighteen years (Luke 13:13). A Lasting Legacy: Choosing A Wife For Isaac (Gen. 24:1-67). Discipleship, then, is not following Christ with sufficient means to do what He commands, but with utter dependence upon Him to enable us to do His will. When Jesus says that we must hate even our own lives, again He means in comparison with our love for Him. The new life God imparts inevitably results in a new way of life in accord with its nature, namely growth in holiness. Bible Study Summary with Questions A Disciple Must Hate His or Her Family Members. To truly follow Christ, we must consider the cost and put Him above everything else. Luke 14:25-35: Great crowds accompanied him on his way and he turned and spoke to them. Whether Jesus is referring to a false believer being judged or to a true believer being taken out of this life because of his sin is ambiguous. He alone deserves to be first above everything else in all of our lives because He is the Lord God who willingly offered Himself on the cross for our sins! We see God’s compassion on Esau and on his descendants. He had hitherto spent but little time in Perea, and the people were availing themselves of this opportunity to see and hear him. v. 13; Mk. John 2:23-25). But if I accept his free offer, I have just committed myself to months of difficult training and arduous effort. Compare 19:14. Jesus is teaching His disciples, and, like any good teacher, He gets His students thinking. We have already considered this in our study of Luke 9:23. Within the larger text (Luke 14:25-35), one finds the radical demands of hatred of kin and bearing one's cross combined with the call to renounce possessions. When we recognize that power and impact does not come through the number of disciples, but through their dependence upon God and their distinctive lifestyles, then we understand why Jesus did not seek a large following. 33 In the same way,252 any of you who does not give up everything he has cannot be my disciple. That’s what Jesus means when He says that we must give up all our possessions in order to be His disciple. When I speak of dependence, I refer to the needs which we have, which our family provides for us. In the prophetic model, it matters not that only one prophet speaks. I had a good sound, at first. The au-dience for these words was "great multitudes" (Luke 14:25 RSV), which appear to be the large groups of the uncom-mitted who were attracted to Jesus but had not become disciples. The kind of person you like the first time you meet. Quick decisions are only for those who want unthinking commitment; slow, deliberate decisions are for those who want long-term commitments. Pollster George Gallup contends that fewer than ten percent of evangelical Christians could be called deeply committed. Bible Study Summary with Questions A Disciple Must Hate His or Her Family Members. The lesson could be enhanced by inviting a child or an adult who has achieved a degree of excellence in pursuit of a goal, to share what was required of them in training, practice time and preparation. They explain for us why Jesus discouraged a large following. It is neither fit for the land For the manuring of it, when it has lost its savour and spirit; otherwise it makes land fruitful, if too much is not used, and especially fixed salts have this use; though Pliny says F15, ``every place in which salt is found, it is … If the coming of the Christ was to reunite parents and children, how can Jesus tell His disciples they must hate parents and children? Everything becomes mine—wife, children, house, money, cars, and you, too.” Then he goes on, “Now, listen, I will allow you to use all these things for the time being. This is how both Matthew 5.13 and Luke 14.34 should both be translated: “become foolish”. Say yes to His free offer, I don ’ t have that of!, which we have to offer, I believe that this verse in the way Juan Carlos Ortiz tells story. They say that no man ever hated His own flesh told His looked! The chapter quick decision Luke 14:15-24 is described—a large crowd luke 14 25-35 meaning family absolutely free, their. 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