Why do you think this happens?” Give students some time to discuss then ask each person to report on what their partner said. The use of Social media sites have exploded and evolved into anonline platform where people create content, share it, bookmark it and network at a prodigious rate. ... Media inquiries: media@understood.org (preferred) or … Teens are often more sophisticated than their parents when it comes to how to use social media applications, yet many teens lack the judgment and experience about how to use these applications wisely and safely. Write a one paragraph statement of your goals with three action items for next class. If anyone or any ad/posts/images/tweets/etc. It’s important for both, but in different ways. However, care and judgment is needed to know what to share with whom and when to share it. Question One: How has social media benefited your personal brand? This list does not cover all online issues that teens face, but it’s a way to start a dialog. Now I'm the founder of a scrappy little company (one employee!) 10. While the interview questions asked for positions in social media vary depending on the type of the job and the company, there are a number of typical questions that you are likely to be asked. What is the unit of analysis? According to you, what are some important Social Media marketing skills? Except where otherwise noted, content on this site is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial Share Alike. Where’s the Problem? How many established outlets does your organization have through the Internet (social media, websites, etc.)? When was the last time you changed your password? If one of your sites/application is compromised, then your other applications are at risk! I’ve compiled a list of questions to ask on social media to help get the conversation started. Recently I had the chance to help New Hampton School become an Apple Distinguished School and I co-authored the iBook Teaching with the iPad (available on the iBookstore). For example, does your password contain the name of your pet? Today I focus on technology integration centered on values-driven technology integration and 1:1 iPad initiatives. Yes, this can be difficult and cumbersome to do. I’ve compiled a list of questions to ask on social media to help get the conversation started. If you’d like students may also go somewhere in the middle to designate ‘agree somewhat’. Designate one side of the room ‘Agree Completely’ and the other side of the room ‘Disagree Completely.’ As you make statements ask students to move to one side of the room or the other depending on their level of personal agreement with your statement. Based on your knowledge of current efforts to promote your services, wh… We want to hear from you! If you’re lucky, they might just want to rack up a very large number of friends - just so that they can say they have 1000 or more friends. If you’re unlucky, they are stealing your information or that of your friends or are stalking you. Team-Building Games And if the message contains an attachment, don’t open it! 5 Questions You Have to Ask About Teens and Social Media. A list of questions you can use to generate conversations in the ESL/EFL classroom. If this has happened to you and you’ve accepted the second friend request, then check your friend’s list. Security professionals recommend changing passwords every three months. The victim was... Read More. Remember, if the application is free, then your personal data is what is valuable to the social media company Share the minimum. At last month's Tribal SITS Conference in Wales, the digital transformation panel received more questions than it had time to answer. Don’t do this! Give out as little information as possible. My all-time favorite book is … If you try this activity let us know how it goes in the comments! 9. Is it just friends? on your social media accounts? 3. You must enter this code into the different browser or computer to continue. How will you know you’ve achieved it? Is your address, school name, city or cell phone number publicly available? If you see the same friend listed twice, your friend has been hacked. Always look for the option to determine what personal data can be collected and shared with others. The Social Media Assistant also uses analytics to see how successful campaigns are. Keep all of your accounts and your personal data secure. Try some out and see what you think! Some of my daughter’s friends can be a bit mean. Ask students the question, “Is social media use something you should be afraid of?” Take a few responses and then move on to the next activity. ... angry boy or girl who was a terrible student at school. Password hacking tools are easily available (do a Google search and see). Many students are naturally shy in person, and many may not speak up in a classroom, but that may not be the case on social media. One of the best ways to improve engagement is by asking a question: People love to talk about themselves, and one goal of social media is to encourage self-revelation so your social following becomes a community. http://www.nytimes.com/2015/05/17/books/review/future-crimes-by-marc-goo... http://www.pewinternet.org/2013/05/21/teens-social-media-and-privacy, Top Ten Questions To Ask Your Teen About Their Social Media Use. This phishing also applies to bank accounts and similar sites. If you answered yes to either of these questions, then “unfriend” those people. If you want enhanced security for your Facebook account, consider using “Login Approvals”. ... Sheena White is a social media strategist, Facebook ads specialist and copywriter, a combination of skills that she uses to set online businesses ablaze. Tell us one social media skill you’re good at and one that you want to improve. Therefore the friend request from this account may seem genuine, but it’s not. Therefore a key to online safety is to keep all of your accounts secure. This video is a metaphor for social media, ask the students to explain each part of the video as it relates to Facebook. My writing appears on EdSocialMedia.com and I speak frequently at technology and education conferences. And did you accept the second friend request anyway, but wondered what was going on? Share your ideas. Do you really want to share your location, personal information, posts, photos, with people that you don’t know? On a regular day how many times do you post pictures, comments etc. called Hans Mundahl and Associates, inc a digital strategy consultancy for schools and non-profits. Do you know which bits of your personal information are publicly available (to people that you have not specifically “friended”)? With this feature, you receive a security code on your phone when there is login attempt on your account from an unknown browser or from a different computer. Have you ever checked out your page to see what it looks like to a stranger? This helps you understand what they have been doing and how you can really make their brand more successful. Whether you’re starting a social media marketing plan from scratch or redefining an existing social media strategy, we’ve found that taking a moment to reflect on some key questions can be a really valuable exercise.. Here’s my navigation formula for making your website … Continue reading », It’s here again! Any photo that is posted will sooner or later be seen by someone that you did not expect to see it or do not want to see it! You can share these with your teen: Below are some basic questions you can ask your teen that support the above rules. What were your initial thoughts on Social Media? Change it frequently and make sure the password is neither simple nor obvious! Learn how you can leverage the power … Continue reading ». I’ve studied the results from the questions I’ve asked on social media this past year and identified 65 questions you can ask on social media to increase engagement. Related Content: 7 Ways to Get More Engagement on Social Media [podcast] Don’t Be Afraid to Ask General Questions. Therefore, if a page or the request does not seem authentic, be wary. (They shouldn’t be!). Or friends of friends? This sample survey template consists of questions that gather information about people’s social media … The influence and impact of technology on teens and social media raises some important questions for parents, educators, and employers. I analyzed the questions and … One of the best ways to improve engagement is by asking a question: People love to talk about themselves, and one goal of social media is to encourage self-revelation so your social following becomes a community. Why is this important? In all seriousness though, I think the most telling aspect of the original question is the idea of getting maximum impact with minimal effort. Or do a search on http://findgram.com/ for Instagram photos of your teen. The reality is that social media has given me a global audience that I could not have hoped to achieve through traditional means. You could also use them as weekly blog post themes for students, where all students answer same question, and students visit one another’s blogs and comment, etc. Pew Research recently released its report on teens and social media. Even if teens (or anyone) take great care with privacy settings and what they post, if their accounts are hacked, then all kinds of damage can be done. General Debate Topics Should we ban homework: does homework promote learning? How do you talk about social media in your school? It’s most likely going to a fake site/app that looks just like the real one. 3. I'm on the Board of Trustees at the Newfound Lake Region Association and when I have the chance I'm an active hiker, climber, and paddler. Once you’ve gotten to know your client better, it’s time to make their social media pages stand out. Be wary of candidates who are unwilling to learn about new … 65 Social Media Questions to Increase Engagement. 15 Questions 100 Questions to Ask on Social Media to Get the Conversation Started Fill in the Blank. How many people are on social media? Tell them what ‘Online Reputation Crisis’ means to you (in accordance to their company’s working) and what are the possible steps you would take to resolve the problem. Social Media Assistants work in the marketing department to plan and execute social media campaigns. What should be in it? Well, you have come to the right place. Share a tip or two for getting better Social Media engagement. While B2C businesses can focus on more light-hearted, fun social media posts, B2B businesses need to use social media to share valuable industry content. Tell a personal story about how you’ve used social media in a positive way. Keep your passwords cryptic! Have you ever accepted a friend request from someone you aren’t sure that you know? The “newest” friend entry is an imposter. This is an instance of identity theft. Hopefully, these 1o questions can help you in the process of finding someone who really understands your business and can help formulate and execute a plan to engage … I’m sure your teens are tired about hearing about managing their passwords. There are plenty of "experts", "gurus" and "wizards" out there and many of them don't have the experience you need. Is there anyone in the group who isn’t on Facebook or Twitter? Take a Stand Questions related to Media Effects ... on internet information portals and social media ... to the views in today's media. It’s been reported that 600,000 Facebook accounts are compromised each day.1 This also happens with Twitter accounts. My child seems to be constantly on her phone/tablet and it seems like an unhealthy waste of time. For most studies involving human subjects, the individual person is … Trackbacks/Pingbacks. Whilst we divvied up the panel questions so that all three of us were able to share equally, there remained several unanswered questions that related to my presentation. Check out our list of 120 debate topics for middle and high school students. Questions related to Media Effects ... on internet information portals and social media ... to the views in today's media. No one likes dealing with passwords. Here is what you’ll need for this activity: Time needed: 30 – 45 minutes depending on how much time you allow for discussion. 8. Additionally, it should be noted that Tristen Shay (@punkrockpro) posted these questions for the student who is anti-social media (allegedly, the original messages were delivered on stone tablets). 7. Students can analyze whether today's so … After everyone has spoken allow the group to discuss further. Here are four safety and security rules that cover many common situations. Social media survey questions template is designed to collect information regarding the social media websites and what are the most preferred activities a person would like to carry out on social media. The report highlights the rapid shifts in the communication landscape for teens. Your advancement department is entering the end-of-year fundraising season. Or friends of friends? Any of these personal variables could be combined to create your online profile, which could then lead to identity theft and/or being approached by a predator. 6. Try doing a Google image search on your teen’s name and see what shows up. 9. If so, are they immune from the effects of social media? Ask your child what they believe is the worst thing about social media. Tell a personal story about how you’ve used social media in a positive way. Allow the partner to clarify what the other person said if necessary. Then have the students take the entries and do some kind of artistic demonstration of the answers and share across social media or within a digital portfolio. For online students, social media is an opportunity to personalize and enhance their experience, allowing them to interact with classmates, ask each other questions and collaborate on group … Social media isn’t simply a way of life for kids — it’s life itself. Too many people have passwords that are too easy to guess. Pass out the social media scavenger hunt handout (see above) and allow students to work through the questions. It’s difficult to know what to ask your teens to keep them and their information safe. Do you periodically check your privacy settings? Finding a social media professional to help you with your online activities can sometimes be a tough process. This is a critical issue that is often ignored by teens, but it bears discussing again and again. The networks that evolve on social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Foursquare, Google Plus might include the very audiences your business serves.And at some point, you may want to ask for their feedback. After you make a statement, and allowing students to take a stand, consider offering a tidbit of data before going to the next question. A social media specialist is more than just the person with the passwords to all your social media accounts. For online students, social media is an opportunity to personalize and enhance their experience, allowing them to interact with classmates, ask each other questions and collaborate on group … Social media isn’t simply a way of life for kids — it’s life itself. Why Your Facebook Group is Dead - Leadership Girl - […] thought-provoking questions, or, if you need some ideas, you can borrow from the list of conversation starters that I…; Social Media Marketing Tips For Business – Leadershipgirl - […] others about your blog through sharing. Among the prominent users of the social media are the students. make you uncomfortable, or is a form of bullying, stalking, or harassment in any way, stop all contact and report the person, post or situation. Here’s a lesson I did today with my 9th grade students to get them thinking about social media, appropriate internet use, and cyberbullying. Additionally, it should be noted that Tristen Shay (@punkrockpro) posted these questions for the student who is anti-social media (allegedly, the original messages were delivered on stone tablets). (Pet names are too commonly used for passwords!) What do you hope to achieve using social media? Is it built into the curriculum? How many friends do you have on social media? Watch the video below. Do you really know all of your friends on Facebook and followers on Twitter or Instagram? I have heard that I should make a personalized contract with my child about their computer/internet activities. Do you have any photos on Facebook or Instagram or Snapchat that you do not want your parents, your college’s admissions officer, a future employer, or a future significant other to see? Email info@edsocialmedia.com. This video is a metaphor for social media, ask the students to explain each part of the video as it relates to Facebook. Has anyone Googled themselves? 4. If so, do not follow the URL (or link) that’s given. I’ve studied the results from the questions I’ve asked on social media this past year and identified 65 questions you can ask on social media to increase engagement. Here’s a list of 50 thought-provoking questions to ask teens that won’t actually annoy them. In all seriousness though, I think the most telling aspect of the original question is the idea of getting maximum impact with minimal effort. Are you familiar with any restrictions or limitations on social media activities that might impact my … When I started managing social media for business a decade or so ago the landscape was very different. Do you take quizzes and surveys while on Facebook? 8. Does your password contain general words or phrases or place names or dates that you have posted online, or that are available in your social media profile? 65 Social Media Questions to Increase Engagement. 7. Before diving into your potential client’s accounts, these are social media questions to ask to get an idea of who they’ve been doing before you arrived. If your child is struggling to make friends, talk with the teacher about how the school supports social-emotional learning for all students. Director of Technology Integration at New Hampton School, Navigation Formula for Independent School Websites, Improve School Fundraising Results with Stronger Teamwork, Zoom: An Untapped Education Marketing Tool, How to Publish a Free Virtual Campus Tour with Google Maps. And do you write about your pet on Facebook? According to the Pew Research Center, 30% of teens reported in a survey that they have been exposed to ads that were not age-appropriate.2 So the age restrictions are there to protect you. This person should have a solid understanding of how each social media channel works and how to optimize content so that it … Which social media tools do you use? Can anyone see your personal information? Is your account publicly available? By respecting the age limit, you protect yourself from seeing content that is inappropriate for your real age - such as in ads. Related Content: 7 Ways to Get More Engagement on Social Media [podcast] Don’t Be Afraid to Ask General Questions. Social media marketing is a popular career choice among people today. I analyzed the questions and segmented them into ten different categories. Try some out and see what you think! If the page is clearly a fake, do not accept the request and consider reporting it to Facebook. They are “phishing” for your confidential information. 340 views . Have students partner up and answer two questions together, “Have you ever seen or heard of someone being unkind on social media? How essential is a college education? 5. What things should my child never share on social media? Always “be aware of what you share” online – you never know who will see it or when they’ll see it, or how it will be interpreted. Your Budget or Your Marketing Plan? Warm up KidSource and KidSource OnLine are registered trademarks of Kidsource OnLine, Inc. The first is that you need to be aware of your privacy settings and manage them carefully. 100 Questions to Ask on Social Media to Get the Conversation Started Fill in the Blank. 1. 5. If you could give every person a gift in the world, but if would have to be the same gift, what would … This extra security procedure is a form of two-factor authentication. Social Media Specialist Interview Questions. Handmade by, Projector and computer to show a video (see below), I think online bullying is getting worse (fact: according to a study by the, Girls bully online more than boys (fact: according to that same study girls are slightly more likely to bully online, but boys are more likely to post a hurtful picture or video than girls), When you delete a photo from Facebook it’s gone forever (probably true, but not if someone has downloaded it and the re-uploads it), Most adults don’t understand what teens do on social media (, I’m not on Facebook or I’m considering deleting my Facebook profile (, I use a social network that is connected to my mobile phone like Instagram or SnapChat, I think my social media use will help me get into college or land my first job. In summary, social media is a great way to communicate and to share photos and updates with friends. As a tool for connecting a business with its customers, however, social media is vital to both. My child is upset about some issues at home. It’s probably malware. Students can analyze whether today's so … My all-time favorite book … Have you ever gotten a friend request from someone who is already your friend? Ans: It is one of the most common social media job interview questions faced by a social media manager. (Answers to security questions can now be based on profiles that you have no control over!). I have been invited to speak all around the world and approached by … What is your go-to device to access your social media feed? Leverage your partnership for better school fundraising with … Continue reading », Online video meetings can be an incredible tool to improve your enrollment process. Traditional marketing worked in the past, … Continue reading », Should you organize your independent school website by department or by audience? These fun quizzes maybe collecting data about you, your friends and your friends of friends. If you are hoping to make a career in social media, here are some popular Social Media Interview Questions and Answers to help you crack your next interview. Or to just approved followers? So if your teen replies that they know all about passwords, the following questions are good to go over anyway! Banning mobile devices (cell phones, smartphones) at … When interviewing Social Media Assistants, the ideal candidate should have experience with using social media platforms for business. As of April 2020, a total of 3.81 billion people around the … Team-Building Games Social media enables customers or consumers to communicate directly with brands, forever changing the way organizations must operate. … Do you see any signs of that? Since cyberbullying occurs mostly on social media networks, the social media companies should be somewhat responsible for cyberbullying. How to I know if she’s being “bullied” online? 2. Have you lied about your age to gain access to a social media application? I've been an educator since 1995 when I first stepped into the classroom as a Fulbright exchange teacher in the former East Germany. There are two issues here. Is social media marketing better for B2C or B2B businesses? Information and Photos Do you know which bits of your personal information are publicly available (to people that you have not specifically... Is your account publicly available? 7. Social media benefits businesses in a variety of ways, the most important of which is establishing a dialogue with customers. These questions include a combination of behavioral interview questions and questions that focus on your social media experience and ability to succeed on the job. Want to advertise with edSocialMedia.com or sponsor our events? How can I prevent cyber-bullying and stay cyber-safe? Now that students have been thinking about social media use ask them to vote with their feet (and also allow them to move around after sitting for a while). 5. This research assesses the impact of social media sites on student academic performance Other trademarks are property of their respective holders. Is it safe to post photos of my kid online? Social Media Posts. What are your goals for your online presence? On Facebook, “friends of friends” often have access to your information – so if you don’t know the “friends” you also do not know the “friends of friends”! Why are questions about passwords good to bring up? But if you don’t know them, don’t “friend” them just because Facebook recommends that you do. How many friends from your social media website have you met in person? Private school marketing requires time, budget, and resources that can be challenging to allocate. Allow students to ask for clarification, and redirect them if they are spending too long on the first two sections (these are the most fun). Don’t share any personal information that can jeopardize your physical or mental security or lead to identity theft. That means it’s potentially available to anyone and to everyone forever. Nor do you have any control over what happens to it. Based on what you learned today and discovered about your own social media footprint what would you change? Hopefully these questions will help open up a dialog with your teen so that they can enjoy the benefits of social media safely. I suspect that I'm not asking about or following the ones that they really use. Pair Share If you are like most parents of teenagers, you are worried about what your teens are doing online, and what they are doing on social media. If you know these people, then consider the recommendation. The second is that you need to periodically check your settings because social media applications have been known to change privacy settings when their privacy policy updates, or there is a software update, or there is a bug. This warning applies to the “People You Might Know” recommendations that Facebook offers you. Copyright © 2013 edSocialMedia. Once shared, that image or info can never be retrieved – it’s no longer private. As you might expect, my remarks for the digital transformation panel were focused around social media, digital capabilities/literacy, employability, and critical thinking. You don’t really know what happens to a photo once the photo is shared. You could also use them as weekly blog post themes for students, where all students answer same question, and students visit one another’s blogs and comment, etc. 1http://www.nytimes.com/2015/05/17/books/review/future-crimes-by-marc-goo... 2http://www.pewinternet.org/2013/05/21/teens-social-media-and-privacy. ( or link ) that ’ s name and see ) this video is a way. The end-of-year fundraising season seeing content that is often ignored by teens, but wondered what was on! If this has happened to you, your friend ’ s difficult to know what to ask too easy guess... 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