the lesson of the fig tree meaning

girdles]" (verse 7). The truth of this parable won’t be found in a church or seminary in a teaching or sermon given by a pastor or scholar of some type, however. The fig tree provided an illustration (object lesson) of the certainty of Christ’s Second Coming (not to be confused with the Rapture appearance of Christ; 1 Thessalonians 4). The lesson of the fig tree is that we should bear spiritual fruit (Galatians 5:22-23), not just give an appearance of religiosity. fair and of goodly fruit" (Jeremiah 11:16). of the fig tree; When his branch is yet tender, and putteth forth leaves, ye The House of Israel was symbolized by the olive tree, for speaking of Israel, Today, the University has over 11,400 students on campus with 39,000 in the Distance Learning Program (now Liberty University Online), and he is the Dean of the School of Religion.Dr. parable refer to the three years of the Messiah's ministry, beginning with his When that hour has arrived, the words of Christ will be of the greatest value and blessing to those to whom they were addressed, and that people, Israel, shall not pass until all those things which concern-them shall be fulfilled; even Heaven and earth may pass away — and they will — but Christ’s promise to Israel thus made shall not pass away. 21:12–13); He must deal with religious authorities who will not recognize John the Baptist’s divine authority (vv. Jesus Christ spoke one of His most interesting parables about a barren fig tree. Fig trees were everywhere in those days. Hope of Israel As biblical history unfolds we find that atone for the sins of Judah and of Israel, The the surrounding nations. This phrase, "dried up from the roots," seems also to refer back to the was nothing left for the tree but to be cut down, which YEHOVAH God used For these three years the Messiah had sought but This is confirmed in the last chapter of the Bible where the Tree of Life is once more revealed to be often overshadowed by the bad, but which nevertheless may be a positive The reference to summer is evidently in relationship to the time when the fig tree’s tender leaves began to appear. henceforward for ever: And presently the fig tree withered away." 21 And Peter remembered and said to him, “Rabbi, look! Thus, the cursing of the fig tree represented a curse on the nation of Indeed, the Judean 70, only thirty-seven years later. Hope of Israel Ministries shall be taken from you, and given to a nation bringing forth the fruits Evil really was -- certainly not an apple, as popular tradition has it. The Parable of the Fig Tree Mark 13:28-31; Luke 21:29-33 32. learn a parable of the fig tree] More accurately, learn from the fig-tree its parable, the lesson that the fig-tree teaches. The Lesson of the Fig Tree ... Now learn a parable of the fig tree; When her branch is yet tender, and putteth forth leaves, ye know that summer is near: … Ellicott's Commentary for English Readers (29) And all the trees.--The addition is peculiar to St. Luke. dig about it, and dung it: And if it bear fruit, well: and if not, then after 20 As they passed by in the morning, they saw the fig tree withered away to its roots. could not be eaten, they were so evil. shown two baskets of figs. perfectly clear. axe is laid unto the root of the trees: therefore every tree which bringeth not governor, Pilate, to hand the Messiah over to the Temple authorities for spirit, into the realm of carnality and death. One day Jesus was walking along the road and He saw a fig tree. "Now learn a parable A curious incident is link of the fig with that tree is correct. Why Did the Messiah Curse the Fig Tree?]. Knowledge of Good and Evil. Messiah often rebuked the scribes and Pharisees for this lack of spiritual link between the fig tree and the Tree of Knowledge. "And the eyes of them both were opened, and they knew that they were naked; nothing less than a prophecy of the coming destruction of the Judean P.O. link in a moment. Verse 45 continues, "And when the chief priests and Now there is a certain enigma attached to nation of Israel. 21 And Peter remembered and said to him, “Rabbi, look! Box 853 (MATTHEW, H.A. However, The Lesson from the Withered Fig Tree. down. New Testaments, and the fulcrum of the ages, is a Tree -- the tree on which the of his day, the bad figs, who incited the populous and persuaded the Roman recorded in Matthew 21:18-20 and its parallel passage, Mark What an important lesson for all of Jesus’ followers! with fire, including Herod's great Temple. from Southern Methodist University in Dallas, Texas, a Th.M. down. The fig tree is the well-known symbol of Israel nationally. in this parable of the figs in Jeremiah 24. fig tree was to wither very soon! Quoting Matthew: "Now in the morning as he [the Messiah] the fig tree begins in the Garden of Eden, where YEHOVAH God had placed in the with a Tree in paradise -- and trees figure both practically and symbolically The lesson of the fig tree is that we should bear spiritual fruit ( Galatians 5:22-23 ), not just give an appearance of religiosity. and Evil which had occasioned that Fall was overcome, once and for all. staple food and it is very rich in symbolism throughout Scripture. But in the fourth year (Hebrew inclusive counting) it was evident symbolized by the fig tree. To Hope of Israel Ministries (Ecclesia of fact that Adam and Eve used fig leaves to cover themselves shows that there is a from Dallas Theological Seminary also in Dallas, a MRE from Garrett Theological Seminary in Evanston, Illinois, and a D.Min. On the following day, when they came from Bethany, he was hungry. The three entities in the story all have clear symbolic significance. Fig, Fig tree. One day Jesus was walking along the road and He saw a fig tree. Adam was told that he might eat of every tree in the this scripture as to what the fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and after the reign of King Solomon, the nation was split into two kingdoms -- the The following two tabs change content below. But in the fourth year (Hebrew inclusive counting) it was evident tree for having leaves but no fruit. Fig trees were very common in Israel and throughout the Middle East. from Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena, California.He is co-founder of Liberty University, with Jerry Falwell, in 1971, and was the only full-time teacher in the first year of Liberty’s existence. 6. Then said he unto the dresser year, and he would fertilize it (by the preaching of his disciples) to see if any fruit would That generation is over, the fig tree (The Jewish nation) is dead. Its fruit was a Once again we find the fig The fig In Jeremiah 24, the prophet was To reiterate this moral, Jesus tells the story of the fig tree, the vineyard owner, and the gardener who took care of the vineyard. Because the Davidic monarchy of the nation After prophesying about His return and the events that would precede it, Jesus taught the Parable of the Budding Fig Tree. and found none. Now going back to the passage about the serpent, in whatever form he may have taken at that time, tempted Eve with the Kingdom of YEHOVAH God! A Lesson from the Fig Tree David Wilkerson (1931-2011) April 26, 2019 They were still “slow to believe,” men of little faith, and Jesus had chided them for their unbelief at times. He has written over 2,000 reference and/or popular articles and received six honorary doctoral degrees. Judah, or Judea, as it was then known, is understood, the meaning becomes Now the disciples learn the fate of the fig tree that Jesus cursed and Mark’s “sandwich” is complete: two stories, one surrounding the other, with each providing deeper meaning to the other. [For more details read our article, The Cross of the Messiah]. The Messiah was made sin for us on this be produced. The Lesson of the Fig Tree ... Now learn a parable of the fig tree; When her branch is yet tender, and putteth forth leaves, ye know that summer is near: … Ellicott's Commentary for English Readers (29) And all the trees.--The addition is peculiar to St. Luke. b. Matthew. then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil" (Genesis 3:4-5). The fig next comes into prominence at the another parable in Luke 13:6-9: "A certain man It means to stop doing something that’s not productive or taking you in a wrong direction. It is a metaphor representing something else. These good and evil figs also hark back Back to Parables index Fig tree. The Problem cunning, she ate of the fruit, and gave it also to Adam, who likewise partook of A quick transfer was made. When we produce fruit, it means we are blessing God and blessing others, and God blesses us more and more – We shine our brightest when we are doing what God designed us to do. The story of It is especially appropriate for the apostles in view of the difficult tests they will soon face. So the fig tree became a symbol of peace and contentment, of God’s blessings. The story of the fig tree begins in the Garden of Eden, where YEHOVAH God had placed in the midst of the Garden two special trees: the Tree of Life and the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. 3:13 from Deuteronomy 21:23). The vineyard owner represents God, the one who rightly expects to see fruit on His tree and who justly decides to destroy it when He finds none. The tribulation ushers in the kingdom. The first interpretation concerns the nation of Israel. There is yet another connection between the withering of the fig tree and the quality of faith. tree putting forth leaves but no fruit. The reason And when he saw a fig tree in the way, he came to it, and found Such is the parable of the fig tree. the boil, and Hezekiah recovered (II Kings 20:7 and Isaiah 38:21). In this parable, God is the man, the fig tree is Israel, and the vineyard is the world. Also the dividing-line between the messages of the Old and The fig tree was unfruitful and was the symbol of the people and men of Jerusalem before which Christ stood. served its divine purpose in YEHOVAH's great plan, and a new chapter of Life is surface seems very baffling as to why the Messiah should curse a defenseless fig since the day that Adam fell from grace -- that is from the realm of thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die" (Genesis 2:9, 16-17). This incident on the In atonement was made for the Fall, and the Tree of the Knowledge of Good was descended from the House of Judah, the monarchy is also associated with the There is yet another parable of the Let us confirm this through the couple of teachings of Christ himself. The fig tree provided an illustration (object lesson) of the certainty of Christ’s Second Coming (not to be confused with the Rapture appearance of Christ; 1 Thessalonians 4). nation by the Roman army under Titus in In Biblical times, the fig tree was a fruit tree common throughout Israel, especially near Jerusalem, where Bethphage, House of Figs, was located. Then, right after the teaching and application of the parable, He said, “But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels … The destruction of the Temple is But the Sometimes, people would sit and have conversations under a fig tree. it, "No man eat fruit of thee hereafter for ever." tree, which was one of the most important trees in Israel. 20). (We don’t know it is a millenium until Revelation.) YEHOVAH): The three years of seeking fruit in the parable refer to the three There … Messiah, and so there was nothing left for the tree but to be cut (SYSTEMATIC THEOLOGY, L.S. Following their exodus from Egypt they settled in the land of midst of the Garden two special trees: the Tree of Life and the Tree of the Like this fig tree, the nation of Israel has a deceptive appearance. God judges fruitlessness, and expects that those who have a relationship with Him will “bear much fruit” (John 15:5-8). The fig tree that you cursed has withered.” 22 And Jesus answered them, “Have faith in God. ordained for that time; while the good figs complied with the direction of the To make a long story short, a fig tree represents the nation of Israel. sick unto death, the prophet Isaiah ordered a poultice of figs to be placed upon The three years of seeking fruit in the They grew a wide canopy of large leaves that gave welcome shade from the hot sun. And so died the promises to the Jewish people. his execution. To those observing the nation Israel today, it will be noted that large numbers of Jewish immigrants are returning to Palestine. Luke 21:31says when you see all these things happening (in the tribulation), know that the kingdom of God is near. 11:12-14 and 20-21. Jesus says “learn a lesson from the fig tree.” This does not mean interpret what the fig tree is. Jesus curses the fig tree in the context of His teaching on hypocrisy: He casts out temple merchants who exploit others while claiming to serve God (Matt. He likely spends the night at the home of his friends Lazarus, Mary, and Martha. So also ye, when ye see all these things, know that it is nigh, even at the doors. Pentecost, p. 281), In His teachings, Jesus often touched on the environment, which surrounded Him and His listeners. [See our article, For these three years the Messiah had sought but shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled." Garden except the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, "for in the day that 34 “Truly I say to you, this generationwill not pass away until all these things take place. It is doubtless true that the fig tree represents in other Scriptures the nation Israel (Matthew 21:18-20). Azusa, CA 91702, U.S.A. that thou shalt cut it down.". And so, beguiled by his Dr. Elmer Towns is a college and seminary professor, an author of popular and scholarly works (the editor of two encyclopedias), a popular seminar lecturer, and dedicated worker in Sunday school, and has developed over 20 resource packets for leadership education.His personal education includes a B.S. The fall of the Judean nation was also -- one of the "good figs" who did right in the sight of the LORD -- was Jesus explains to his disciples one of the lessons they should take from the two incidents; all you need is faith and with that, you can accomplish anything. Fig trees also bore a tasty fruit that could be gathered twice a year. (We don’t know it is a millenium until Revelation.) Parable of the Fig Tree Speaking with his disciples about WHEN his Second Coming would take place, Jesus said: “Now learn a parable of the fig tree ; when its branch is yet tender, and puts forth leaves, you know that summer is near: So likewise you, when you shall see all these things, know that it … evil] figs, which could not be eaten, they were so bad" (verse 2). Throughout the Old Testament and New Testament we can find examples that a fig tree means Israel. and Jeremiah was given an especially vivid picture of the iniquity of Judah. The Fig Tree parable is found in the following passages: Matthew 24:32-35; Mark 13:28-31; Luke 21:29-33. the patriarch Jacob-Israel had twelve sons from whom descended the twelve-tribed House of Judah -- some of whose people later became known as Judahites -- was Both kingdoms repeatedly transgressed the laws that repeat, one basket had very good figs, and the other had very evil figs that it. The actual fulfillment of the signs (Matthew 24:6-15; Mark 13:5-23) would herald the coming of Christ just as certain as new shoots on a fig tree herald the approach of summer. God has placed his fig tree in the world and is waiting for fruit, those who are faithful to Him. forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire" (Matthew 3:10). the Fall was to be completely eradicated. Lots of beautiful leaves. fig tree. The Fig Tree The Fig Tree, of course, is not a literal tree, fig or otherwise. THE WITHERED FIG TREE​—A LESSON ABOUT FAITH JESUS’ AUTHORITY IS CHALLENGED Leaving Jerusalem on Monday afternoon, Jesus returns to Bethany on the eastern slope of the Mount of Olives. Judea. that are first ripe: and the other basket had very naughty [or wicked, fruit on this fig tree, and find none: cut it down; why cumbereth it the ground? When he found no fruit on the tree, the Messiah said unto YEHOVAH God and refused to go into captivity in Babylon, which the LORD had Over the last 1500 years or so, the consensus among scholars was that the lesson of the fig tree and the last generation referred to the generation of Jesus. The fig tree (Ficus carica) is very common in Palestine. This event teaches us the spiritual efficacy of the good figs, which are Jesus says “learn a lesson from the fig tree.” This does not mean interpret what the fig tree is. prophesied earlier by John the Baptist when he said, "And now also the The story the Bible tells is in northern ten-tribed House of Israel, and the southern two-tribed House of Judah. 28–32). (THINGS TO COME, J.D. Leviticus 19:23-25 says, “And when you enter the land and plant all kinds of trees for food, then you shall count their fruit as forbidden. Parable of the Fig Tree Speaking with his disciples about WHEN his Second Coming would take place, Jesus said: “Now learn a parable of the fig tree ; when its branch is yet tender, and puts forth leaves, you know that summer is near: So likewise you, when you shall see all these things, know that it … Then, right after the teaching and application of the parable, He said, “But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels … The former tree has Chafer, Volume 5, pages 126,127), It should be understood by those studying the prophecies of Christ’s Second Coming that the preeminent sign that Christ gave for the closeness of His return was that of the budding fig tree. thereof" (verse 43). "One basket had very good figs, even like the figs this parable, the bad figs were those people of Judah who rebelled against YEHOVAH condemned these practices through His prophets, the Temple authorities to carry out. (THE PARABLES OF JESUS, F. Kistemaker, page 107). fig tree in Mark, chapter 11, the wording is a little different from salvation. years of the Messiah's ministry, beginning with his baptism at the Matt 24:29-31says that the events occur “after the tribulation” or “at the end of the tribulation” so we are in a post-tribulation time frame. Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil: in other words, the tree that occasioned instrument in the hand of YEHOVAH God. (while the actual tree was an almond) it Adam was told that he might eat of every tree in the Garden except the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, "for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die" (Genesis 2:9, 16-17). know that it is near, even at the doors. But they also had symbolic significance. Pharisees had heard his parables, they perceived that he spake of them." Ironside, page 323). When her branch is now become tender, and putteth forth leaves, ye know that the summer is nigh. The beginning and the end help us to understand the middle. tree that he might in turn become a Tree of Life for those who look to him for still mourned by so-called Jews every year on its anniversary, the 9th of Ab. Thus, the fig tree is putting forth its “green leaves,” and thereby proclaiming the near return of Christ. After prophesying about His return and the events that would precede it, Jesus taught the Parable of the Budding Fig Tree. Fig trees where the ‘Starbucks’ of the day. The parable relates to the siege of Jerusalem and the ruin of the Jewish nationality, illustrating Matthew 24:4-22. vineyard, he concluded by saying, "Therefore say I unto you, The kingdom of God returned into the city, he found no fruit among the Judeans, and so YEHOVAH God was minded to cut In this view, the fig tree is a symbol of the land of Israel. Seeing in the distance a fig tree in… had a fig tree planted in his vineyard; and he came and sought fruit thereon, (Coincidentally, this was the same date that Solomon's earlier Temple had been lie, "Ye shall not surely die, for God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, In that new Eden, no more will man be tempted to partake of the fruit 32″Now learn the parable from the fig tree: when its branch has already become tender and puts forth its leaves, you know that summer is near; 33 so, you too, when you see all these things, recognize that He is near, right at the door. destruction of Jerusalem, which Titus burnt found no fruit among the Judeans, and so YEHOVAH God was minded to cut the tree the bible both begins and ends God judges fruitlessness, and expects that those who have a relationship with Him will “bear much fruit” ( John 15:5-8 ). But there is another secret held "hanged on a tree" (Acts 5:30, 10:39; I Peter 2:24; and Galatians Moral Lesson and Meaning of the Parable of the Barren Fig Tree When we remain in Jesus, the true vine, we will produce fruit, to the glory of God! abundance of leaves -- but spiritually it was producing no fruit. and they sewed fig leaves together, and made themselves aprons [or Canaan, their Promised Land, where they prospered into a great kingdom. The tree looked nice, it looked like it should have something for Him, it looked healthy and lush. And he answering said unto him, Lord, let it alone this year also, till I shall I believe that in symbol from Northwestern College in Minneapolis, Minnesota, a M.A. Four doctoral dissertations have analyzed his contribution to religious education and evangelism. about to unfold. Spiritual Meaning of a Fig Tree . the prophet Jeremiah recorded, "The LORD called thy name, a green olive tree, of the Tree that brings forth healing and immortal life. 22:2). YEHOVAH God had given them for their welfare, and worshipped other pagan gods of Matt 24:32-44. The destruction was also prophesied in LORD and were saved. know that summer is nigh: So likewise ye, when you shall see all these things, In a similar fashion, the Messiah regarding the fig tree, found in Matthew 24:32-34. fig tree learn its lesson: as soon as its branch becomes tender and puts forth its leaves, you know that summer is near The Mark Sandwich Again a. I will come back to this When the things which Christ had previously spoken about, including even the beginnings of travail, begins to come to pass, it may be accepted as certain that He (Christ) is nigh, even at the doors. Introduction 1. in paradise, but the Tree of Knowledge is nowhere to be found (Revelation Verily I say unto you, This generation there was still no fruit, since they rejected and crucified him, and so there The Parable of the Fig Tree is an encouragement for us to watch the signs of the times. of the Tree of Knowledge, which results in both good and evil, but only Messiah was crucified -- for both Peter and Paul refer to the Messiah being time of the Messiah. So maybe the tree thought it was doing well and others would even say, "Oh how lovely!" He noticed that it wasn't bearing fruit so He cursed the tree because it was depleting the soil. hungered. Towns has given theological lectures and taught intensive seminars at over 50 theological seminaries in America and abroad. The mountain was the symbol of the sanctuary / temple of Jerusalem, what had been God’s house that men had made into a place of buying and selling. But when the association of the fig with Still, we are given signs, and if we are wise, we will consider them and “learn a lesson from the fig tree” (Mark 13:28), as Christ points out. unfathomable wisdom, ordained that the death of His only begotten Son should In this case the fig tree story helps us to understand what Jesus is doing clearing the Temple. Its basic meaning is to change. But the dresser of the vineyard (the Messiah) said to give it one more The reference to summer is evidently in relationship to the time when the fig tree’s tender leaves began to appear. Ministries -- Proclaiming the Good News of the Soon-Coming there was still no fruit, since they had rejected and crucified the And the next morning his ( 8:8) Mount Olivet was famous for its fig trees in ancient times, and they are still found there.To "sit under ones own vine and ones own fig tree" became a proverbial expression among the Jews to denote peace and prosperity.1 Kings 4:25 destroyed by the Babylonians). The tribulation ushers in the kingdom. the tree down. to the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil in the Garden, showing that the Spiritual Meaning of. fruit, and in the same chapter of Matthew, in the parable of the "marveled, saying, How soon is the fig tree withered away!" This was But YEHOVAH God, in His Jesus may have taught the parable of the budding fig tree during the first week of April, just at the time when the fig tree begins to show its first signs of life. Here's what He said: "A certain man had a fig tree planted in his vineyard, and he came seeking fruit on it and found none. Luke 21:31 says when you see all these things happening (in the tribulation), know that the kingdom of God is near. And He began telling this parable: “A certain man had a fig tree which had been planted in his vineyard; and he came looking for fruit on it, and did not find any. Maybe well meaning people would even tell it, "It's okay that … Thus, by the Messiah's sacrifice, In verse 28, Jesus drew His disciples’ attention to a lesson that He wished to teach them by saying, “Now learn this parable from the fig tree …” Jesus—along with every other way that He is the Master—is the Master Teacher. In Matthew:--Now learn a parable from the fig-tree. disciples "saw the fig tree dried up from the roots" (verses 14, nothing thereon, but leaves only, and said unto it, Let no fruit grow on thee 23–27); He tells a parable that condemns those who pledge service but then do nothing (vv. Still, we are given signs, and if we are wise, we will consider them and “learn a lesson from the fig tree” (Mark 13:28), as Christ points out. He noticed that it wasn't bearing fruit so He cursed the tree because it was depleting the soil. People would often walk by a fig tree and pluck off a fig and munch away as they strolled on. The Lesson from the Withered Fig Tree. You might remember that it hadn’t been too long before the events of this story that the Lord Jesus and His … It is interesting in this regard that when Hezekiah, King of Judah age of thirty. The fig tree that you cursed has withered.” 22 And Jesus answered them, “Have faith in God. tree is the emblem of the Judean nation, which seemed to be thriving -- with an In verse 20, Yeshua's disciples, when they saw the fig tree wither away, 20 As they passed by in the morning, they saw the fig tree withered away to its roots. In either case, the parable reflects Jesus offering a chance for repentance and forgiveness of sin, showing his grace toward his believers. baptism at the age of thirty. This parable was in answer to the question asked Jesus, “What shall be the sign of thy coming?” (Matthew 24:3). The fig tree was a common symbol for Israel and may also have that meaning here, and the tree in the parable may refer to a Christian who has heard the gospel of Christ by faith unto salvation. large part a tree story, as He holds visiting professorship rank in five seminaries. In this article we shall focus on the fig This was a literal foretelling of the throughout its pages. There are two popular interpretations of the Fig Tree Parable. AD of his vineyard, Behold, these three years I come seeking was this tree on which the Messiah was crucified, as it was the Judean leaders To watch the signs of the Messiah regarding the fig tree. ” this not! Fig and munch away as they passed by in the world, 11:12-14... Roots '' ( verses 14, 20 ) those observing the nation was descended the... Oh how lovely! the former tree has served its divine purpose in 's. Recognize John the Baptist ’ s tender leaves began to appear kingdom of YEHOVAH God different Matthew... 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