luke 13 commentary spurgeon

In the meantime, the Kingdom expands in all whose hearts are transformed by the King's Gospel. By that my willing steps ascend, The known elucidated the unknown. This is clearly referring to the Millennium, when the KING returns set up His KINGDOM on the earth. II. If you are a teacher, various distractions (children, people falling asleep, etc) often occur, but you are usually able to "teach through them" so to speak. Cautiously, I opened the door. When the word falls on thorny ground it sprouts, then dies. This would have been humiliating for her because she would have been the center of attention. 22; Isa. He has given us divine prescriptions for the health of our souls, and his commandments, though clothed with sovereign authority, are spoken in such infinite kindness that we may regard them as the advice of a true and faithful friend. 40:2, 3). 16:9). I cast out (ekbállō) demons (daimonion) and perform cures today and tomorrow and the third day - Most writers interpret this "triple time reference" as a Hebrew "idiom for a short indefinite time followed by an imminent and certain event” (Ellis). (Read 2 John 1:8 "Watch [present imperative do this enabled by the Spirit - see note] yourselves, that you do not lose what we have accomplished, but that you may receive a full reward"). O how we all need to seek by the enablement of His Spirit to imitate His passion for people's souls. 11 “Many nations will join themselves to the LORD in that day and will become My people. If an animal which they themselves had bound for a few hours should be loosed on the Sabbath, how much more a daughter of Abraham whom Satan has bound for eighteen years. Bock explains the connection with the previous section this way - Jesus raises the kingdom question because the woman’s release from Satan raises the issue of authority and rule. As Albert Barnes wisely said "False repentance dreads the consequences of sin; true repentance dreads sin itself.". In another place Jesus helps us understand what it means to continually (present tense) strive when He says... For this reason you be (present imperative = command to continually be prepared, in a state of readiness) ready too; for the Son of Man is coming at an hour when you do not think He will. is a well-beaten one. And behold, I am sending forth the promise of My Father upon you (THE HOLY SPIRIT); but you are to stay in the city until you are clothed with power (dunamis - supernatural power) from on high (Acts 1:8-note).” (Lk 24:45-49-note). Such Christianity may satisfy man, and those who say anything against it may be thought very hard and uncharitable; but it certainly is not the Christianity of the Bible. Imagine a soul so warped that it can overlook the loosing of a body bound 18 years and see only the breaking of a custom. Mattoon - In this passage we find a wide variety of priorities and attitudes in people that are found in our own lives today. All those roads. What is the outer darkness in Matthew 22:13? Contented lick your native dust! 1:5, R.V.). What a contrast Jesus presented with the hypocrite who was willing to untie (luo) his beast of burden but was unwilling to see a woman "untied" (luo = "released" in Lk 13:16) from a horrible deformity! Our Lord answered this man by calling him a hypocrite and citing that the Law allowed the loosing of an ox or ass on the Sabbath to lead it to water. Jesus sinners doth receive. The parable talks about people who chose the most honored seat for themselves at a wedding feast (vv. He dispatched a little grinning man to minister to us. The nature of the pathology that caused her to be bent double is not absolutely certain, but most observers feel that this was most likely some variation of the entity known as "spondylitis deformans" or more accurately "spondylosis deformans." All who accept the gift God has provided through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ will escape the everlasting weeping and gnashing of teeth. Strive (75) (agonizomai [word study] from agon = conflict or the place of assembly for the athletic contests and then a reference to the contests which were held there, gives us English "agony" - cp the picture portrayed in Lk 22:44 = "agonia") means to exert oneself, to fight, to labor fervently, to strive (devote serious effort or energy = implies great exertion against great difficulty and suggests persistent effort), to struggle, to contend with an adversary - all of these actions picturing an intense struggle for victory. 35 “Then the iron, the clay, the bronze, the silver and the gold were crushed all at the same time (IN A MOMENT, THE MOMENT JESUS RETURNS TO TRIUMPH OVER ALL HIS ENEMIES) and became like chaff from the summer threshing floors; and the wind carried them away so that not a trace of them was found (GONE FOREVER - GREECE, ROME, ETC. Historically, the Synagogues originated in the Babylonian captivity after the 586 BC destruction of the temple by Nebuchadnezzar and served as places of worship and instruction. Israel rejected the Lord that loved them dearly. They lack repentance. Notice that here Jesus uses idou to  emphasize or draw attention to the length of time the poor woman was crippled --18 long years. That is why the good eye leads to the way of light: laying up treasures in heaven and serving God, not money. Are you doing His will and plan for you? (Ed comment: "qal wā hōmer," is also known as an "a fortiori" argument or line of reasoning "from the lesser [treatment of beasts of burden] to the greater [treatment of the woman who was burdened!]" This command is final! 12The demons implored Him, saying, “Send us into the swine so that we may enter them.” 13Jesus gave them permission. The second use of this “door” is solemnly illustrated at the close of the parable of the virgins. Six hundred thousand people starved to death in the streets. (The MacArthur Study Bible), Behold (2400) idou - As Spurgeon says "Behold is a word of wonder; it is intended to excite admiration. I believe that all sincere people will get through the door.” But, the fact is, according to Jesus it is narrow, not wide. For the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction” (Matt. God has given the world extra time to respond to His offer of forgiveness. Ps 68:16; Ps 74:2). Both the NIV and the RSV seek to convey this in their translations. Mt. Teaching (1321)(didasko from dáo= know or teach) in the present tense describes Jesus focus and passion, continually giving instruction, continually redeeming the time (Ep 5:16KJV-note) which could have been in a formal or informal setting. We are to wait for nobody. It looked like Jesus lost, but He won through death and resurrection. And if we call Him "Lord" it is not just a mouthing of our lips but reflected in the living of our lives! It might boast of its life, leaves, and opportunities, but there is nothing to satisfy the Lord. All four "immediately" leave nets and We must always be on our guard against the foes of God even when they speak most fairly; indeed, it is their agreeable, affectionate words that we have most cause to dread. It is not enough to eat and drink of the blessed memorial supper, nor to listen to the voice of Jesus teaching in his Church. Christ avers this upon his own word: I say unto you; and we may take it upon his word, for he knows both the counsels of God and the hearts of the children of men. The best way to identify a tree is by its fruit. In place of the joy, they imposed upon the people the yoke of a scrupulous, slavish sabbatarianism which made the Sabbath an END instead of a MEANS, hampered the spirit of true worship, and laid greater stress upon a punctilious obedience to mere human regulations than upon God's commands in the Law. Luke 19:41 When He approached Jerusalem, He saw the city and wept over it. It sees God-as-desirable. KJV Luke 13:24  Strive to enter in at the strait gate: for many, I say unto you, will seek to enter in, and shall not be able. Please take some time to at least read it again. His miracles would continue to attest to His power and authority over both the supernatural (casting out demons) and the natural world (healing) and were evidence that the Kingdom of God had come upon them (Lk 11:20-note, Mt 12:28). What about all your privileges? 19:1; Mk 10:1; Jn 10:40–42) or in Galilee (most favor the latter) both of which were ruled by Herod. Mattoon - The mustard seed is a classic illustration of the kingdom of God because of its qualities. In 1517 the Roman Catholic preacher Johan Tetzel arrived in the vicinity of Wittenberg selling indulgences, using as part of his sales pitch the catchy advertising jingle, “As soon as the coin in the coffer rings, the soul from purgatory springs.” Appalled and horrified that his parishioners were flocking to purchase them, Luther posted his famous Ninety-Five Theses condemning indulgences. And notice he answers not to Christ but to the crowd! Just think what she would have missed because she skipped church that day. The Lord was teaching on the Sabbath in one of the synagogues. Quite possible, and, alas, far too common. KJV Luke 13:23 Then said one unto him, Lord, are there few that be saved? This was especially true in the nineteenth century when it was commonly taught that the gospel would keep spreading until the world was Christianized and the kingdom was ushered in. 11:1ff). Does the modern church need to be reminded of its need to continually repent? A proper view of both will make for balanced living. From His own language we have suggested three thoughts. So Luke's emphasis is not so much on the dramatic contrast in small size of the seed and large size of the plant, but more on the final result that the plant would be so big its branches would be strong enough to support the weight of birds. Hell is full of people sorry for their sins. Let's apply this to our lives - As the Lord looks at our life right now, does He find any fruit? 13:19; Lk. (4) Fear of final judgment can motivate one to true repentance. DEPART FROM ME (aorist imperative = They may never have obeyed a single command from Jesus during their life, but they WILL OBEY this command to depart from His presence forever! 7:21ff.). Jesus' teaching radically destroys that delusion. This was roughly equivalent to being governor of a region. La 5:17-18; Ezek 13:4). HE IS ABLE! 7:5; Ps. 18:15; Jon. (Kaiser, W. C. Hard Sayings of the Bible. From start to finish, the Christian life is not an easy life. “If not,” he says, “cut it down.” This is a beautiful picture of God’s patience and mercy in Christ. (Mt 3:9,10+). You can also change some of your preferences. To fight vigorously against. NAS = able(5), am...strong enough(1), been able(1), can(1), can do(1), could(8), force(1), good(1), healthy(2), means(1), overpowered(1), prevailing(1), strong enough(3), unable*(2). If fruit is found at all it must be the result of grace alone. 53:3). I do not agree with the NET Bible comment that "weeping and gnashing is a figure (Ed: Non-literal, a figure of speech) for remorse and trauma." And raiseth up all those that be bowed down. Why is this saying about the good and bad eye sandwiched between two teachings on money? When they explained the need for repentance, the man wanted nothing more to do with Christianity. Reach...goal (5048)(teleioo related to teleios from telos = an end, a purpose, an aim, a goal) means to accomplish or bring to an end or to the intended goal (telos). Note, The reason why many come short of grace and glory is because they rest in a lazy seeking of that which will not be attained without a laborious striving. It pictures a runner straining every nerve to the uttermost ("agonizing") to cross the goal in first place. Here the perfect tense of pascho speaks of this as the Galileans irrevocable (irreversible, unchangeable) fate. Luke 13:34–35 Divine Compassion for Those Deserving Condemnation, Luke 13:1-9 What We Should Learn From Tragedies, Instructions concerning the nature of the kingdom  (Luke 13:10-35), The confrontation in the Synagogue  (Luke 13:10-17), The parable of the mustard seed  (Luke 13:18-19), The parable of the leaven  (Luke 13:20-21), The individuality of entrance into the kingdom  (Luke 13:22-30), The failure to seek His kingdom  (Luke 13:31-35), If something only takes, it can not survive. 31:3 ; 36:21 ; Neh lied about and to use some of you are... Thousand perished by being passive catastrophes to stress the importance of repenting this... Season and ahead of the New Testament Commentary: Luke 5:1-11 because there are three:! Bearing images that the Gospel according to the power of the Holy Spirit – what is peace planted... Reference first to words ( Lk 14:13-14 ). that life be which like this in a vineyard on Sunday. 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