It is used as desert fruits and also eaten alone. 2 to 7 °C. Wheat is one of the most profitable cash crops in India. If the stem has to be removed forcibly from the melon, it is not fully mature. Which of the following is not a zaid crop? Increase the amount of nitrogen by 25 percent on bare ground. An alternative system starts with the use of a roller-crimper to terminate winter cover crops, thus forming a thick organic mulch. They grow in long time period mainly from March to june. They often damage the melons, chewing through the. Up to 20 000 fruit may be obtained with some of the smaller-fruited varieties (less than 1 kg). true or false. Prominent examples are Muskmelon, Watermelon, Vegetables of cucurbitacae family such as bitter gourd, pumpkin, ridged gourd etc. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. (a) Cost of food grains (b) Land reforms (c) Industrialisation (d) Globalisation Ans : (b) Land reforms 21. Some of the crops prodced during this season are watermelon, muskmelon, cucumber, vegetables and fodder crops. The onset of the Southwest monsoon which starts raining from South India and slowly advance towards North India. A few examples of zaid crops are Muskmelon, Watermelon, Vegetables of cucurbitacae family such as bitter gourd, pumpkin, ridged gourd etc. – Main crop-wheat, barley, peas, gram, mustard (2) Kharif crop: – Grown with the onset of monsoon in different parts of the country. The time between kharif crops and rabi. This site is using cookies under cookie policy. Cantaloupes were also cultivated by Native Americans near the present city Zaid crops are summer season crops. Seedlings are normally thinned when they reach 10 cm in height. In india there are so many types of crops but here is 3 major types of crops in india. Major Crops A variety of food and non food crops are grown in different parts of the country depending upon the variations in soil, climate and cultivation practices. Muskmelon definition is - a usually sweet edible melon that is the fruit of an annual trailing or climbing Asian vine (Cucumis melo) of the gourd family: such as. Muskmelons Originated in Persia The muskmelon (Cucumis melo), like watermelon, is hardly a vegetable, but it is an important truck and garden crop.There is a tendency in America to refer to muskmelons merely as "melons," but that is confusing because watermelons are also loosely called "melons." Apply the mulch two to three weeks before you plant the melons, making holes for the seeds or seedlings. Muskmelon. the crops produced during ‘zaid’ are watermelon, muskmelon, cucumber, vegetables and fodder crops. – Maize jawar , bajra ,cotton, Soya been (3) Zaid crops:-sown between rabbi and kharif seasons. n. 1. जीवन मुल्यो के सदर्भ में उसके ओचित्य पर अपने विचार Its seed are also used in cases of liver and kidney troubles, throat burning, thirst and chronic fever. They often damage the melons, chewing through the plant and spreading diseases like bacterial wilt and the cucumber mosaic virus. Crop can also refer a harvest part or a refined state like shelled or husked produce. Top most profitable cash crops in India. hope it help u. plz make me a brainlists. Zaid Crop. ( Letter should be in sanskrit and according to the level of class 10th ), i told that i have completed my studies for today and meh aa gaya hu yehi bola tha. Cultivation of crops involves the following activities: Here's the list of some of the most profitable crops in India; 1. Nitrogen promotes the growth of vines; potassium helps melons develop. Sugarcane takes almost a year to grow. irrigation provides the plants with a more uniform application of water, diseases that affect the gourd family of plants, plant and spreading diseases like bacterial, Field Crops Ecourse Cultivation Practices 23 PDF Part 2nd, Vegetable Classification PDF Download Important For Competitive Exam, Report on 2020-21 Kharif Marketing Season: CACP, Entomology Oneliner For Competitive Exam-90, ‘Pests, climate change and yield key worries’, Agriculture Current Affair 9 January 2021, Important Oil Percentage, Protein Content and Vitamin Deficiency symptom for competitive exam, Agriculture Current Affair 8 January 2021, Aquaponics It’s Features, significance, Process and Benefits, Agriculture Oneliner PDF Part-167 for Competitive Exam, General Agriculture MCQ PDF Part-257 Download, Agriculture Current Affair 5 January 2021, Watch out for striped cucumber beetles. While it’s unlikely that muskmelon in particular will prevent or treat a condition, its vitamin and antioxidant content can help promote a healthy, functional body. In Indian sub-continent, the crops grown on irrigated lands which do not have to wait for monsoons, in the short duration between Rabi and Kharif crop season, mainly from March to June, are called Zaid crops.For eg.Musk melon, Water melon etc. Harvest muskmelon or cantaloupe when the stem pulls easily and cleanly from the fruit. महानगरेषु वाहनानाम् अनन्ताः पङ्क्तयः धावन्ति। They grow only in summer season! Zaid crops are essentially irrigated crops that can be planted between rabi and kharif seasons from March to June to give farmers income from a third crop every year. Q.8. Pumpkins. (a) Once-Arabica (b) Two-Rabi anti Zaid (c) Three-Aus, Aman, Born Moong, muskmelon, watermelon, cucumber, gourd and bitter gourd are examples of zaid crops. The zaid crops are grown in Punjab, Haryana,, Uttar pradesh Which of the following is not a zaid crop? 1 ; Sorry it is zaid ... Example- muskmelon, watermelon. In Barabanki, the zaid crop of choice is mentha arvensis (wild mint). Plant in mounds or hills or in rows that are five feet apart. Example: Cucumber, Bitter Gourd, Pumpkin, Watermelon, Muskmelon, Moong Dal etc. This crop is grown in some parts of country during March to June. The zaid crops are the crops which are grown from march to June in some parts of the country under artificial irrigation. ... Muskmelon can fall prey to pests and diseases that affect the gourd family of plants. Question 3. Add aged manure to the planting beds the fall before you plant them. Scientific name: Cucumis melo L. MUSKMELON CULTIVATION. Zaid Crop This crop is grown in some parts of country during March to June. Biodegradable pots are necessary because muskmelon seedlings grow poorly if their roots are disturbed. When the seedlings on a mound develop three or four leaves, use scissors to cut the three or four weakest seedlings level to the ground. MCQ Questions for Class 10 Social Science with Answers were prepared based on the latest exam pattern. Common names: Muskmelon or cantaloupe (English), spanspek (Afrikaans) Major Crops A variety of food and non food crops are grown in different parts of the country depending upon the variations in soil, climate and cultivation practices. Groundnuts/Peanuts. …, what is one plus one minus one multiplied by 1, is there any rule in cbse of giving only 19 out of 20 in practicals... do you have any proof... PLEASEE ANSWER ME, सपनो के से दिन पाठ के हेड मास्टर शर्मा जी की बच्चे को मारपीट वाले अध्यापको के प्रति क्या धारणा थी? The following are some of the common Summer/Zaid season crop plants grown in India. You can specify conditions of storing and accessing cookies in your browser. Origin and distribution Which of the following was the main focus of our First Five Year plan? For example, Padd… We have Provided Agriculture Class 10 Geography MCQs Questions with Answers to help students understand the concept very well. Harvesting These crops are grown on irrigated lands. Muskmelon is good source of vitamins A, B and C and improves the urinary discharge. emergence and stand establishment. dvarsha577 dvarsha577 However, drip irrigation, with plastic, is becoming more frequent and is highly desirable. Aphids can also be a problem. If cantaloupes Zaid Crops – Grown in summer season eg. For e.g cucumber, pumpkin, watermelon, bitter gourd, muskmelon etc. Muskmelon Health Benefits. Drip irrigation provides the plants with a more uniform application of water, (a) Cost of food grains (b) Land reforms (c) Industrialisation (d) Globalisation Ans : (b) Land reforms 21. They require warm dry weather as major growth period and longer day length for flowering. Family name: Cucurbitaceae. of Montreal in 1535 and in the vicinity of Philadelphia prior to 1748. You may also have to deal with fusarium wilt, fungal leaf spot and scabs. Harvesting requires a optimum conditions, they will be of only fair quality two weeks after harvest. Irrigation prior to and after planting should be applied to ensure seed germination, They are grown in Punjab, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand and Uttar Pradesh . This crop is grown in some parts of country during March to June. Some of the crops prodced during this season are watermelon, muskmelon, cucumber, vegetables and fodder crops. Q.9. They are grown in Assam, West Bengal, Coastal regions of Orissa, Andra Pradesh . Flush the aphids off the infested plant with a forceful stream of water, early in the day. Sugarcane takes almost a year to grow. Length of harvest in a planting depends on condition of the vines, number of melons, season of year and the market. Major crops grown in India are discussed below: Food grains Rice. Major Zaid crops in India are Watermelon, Muskmelon, , bitter gourd, pumpkin, cucumber etc. Prominent examples are Muskmelon, Watermelon, Vegetables of cucurbitacae family such as bitter gourd, pumpkin, ridged gourd etc. Several cantaloupe varieties were reportedly grown in the West Indies as early as Gourds (Bitter gourd, Pumpkin, Ridged gourd). Crop word is being used extensively both in agriculture, horticulture and aquaculture. …, कं, श्वेतवस्त्रम्, श्यामवस्त्रम्,गोलचक्रिका, उपविशन्ति, अनुभवन्ति, आनन्दम्, बहिः, दृश्यम्, रेखांकित-पदानि आधृत्य समुचितं प्रश्नवाचकपदं चिनुत - (a) Sugarcane (b) Muskmelon (c) Groundnut (d) Moong. How many crops of paddy are grown in a year in the states like Assam, West Bengal and Orissa and they are termed as which of the following? Muskmelon is good source of vitamins A, B and C and improves the urinary discharge. In addition, mature muskmelons have a distinct, musky aroma and the end opposite the stem should be slightly soft. Categories of Crops in India : The major crops can all … Assuming good cultural practices are followed, one can expect to harvest about 2 000 to 5 000 melons per hectare when grown on bare ground and between 6 000 to 12 000 when using plastic mulch. Sown in mid-February and harvested two times from April onwards, mentha leaves are dried to extract oil. Thinning If you use black plastic mulch, use 1 pound of actual nitrogen, 2 pounds of phosphorous and 3 pounds of potassium for 1,000 square feet of plot space before planting. They require warm dry weather as major growth period and longer day length for flowering. Thanks!! # Its growth takes place in Zaid summer season crops. Watermelon, muskmelon, cucumber, vegetables and fodder crops are the types of (a) Zaid crop (b) Kharif crop (c) Rabi crop (d) None of these Ans : (a) Zaid crop 20. Melons are usually picked every other day for the first two or three picking days and every day for the next 20 to 25 days. Grain Crops: These plants are grown for their edible grains. 1494. – Maize jawar , bajra ,cotton, Soya been (3) Zaid crops:-sown between rabbi and kharif seasons. muskmelon synonyms, muskmelon pronunciation, muskmelon translation, English dictionary definition of muskmelon. the crops produced during ‘zaid’ are watermelon, muskmelon, cucumber, vegetables and fodder crops. 9. – Main crop-wheat, barley, peas, gram, mustard (2) Kharif crop: – Grown with the onset of monsoon in different parts of the country. Question 2. Muskmelon is an important crop cultivated through India . हरि हर काका" के प्रति लेखक की चिंता के क्या कारण थे एक शिक्षित व जागरूक नागरिक के रूप उसे हरि हर काका की सहायता किस प्रकार करनी चाहिए थी? Zaid Crops : Zaid Crops grown between March-June between Rabi and Kharif crop seasons.These are early maturing crops. Major Rabi crops in India include Wheat, Barley, Mustard, Gram, Sesame, Peas, Sunflower, Coriander, Tomato, Onion, Potato, Oat etc. Mounds should be 24 inches across and four to six feet apart. Crop Plants Information: The crop is a plant or animal that can be grown for human use and profits. Watch out for striped cucumber beetles. Scientific cultivation of muskmelon 1. Name two crops grown during the zaid seasons. from Turkey to China, including northwest India, Afghanistan, and Uzbekistan. Which of the following crops is produced during zaid cropping season? a. Cucumber b. Watermelon C. Muskmelon d. Cotton 2 See answers veerkiri007 veerkiri007 Answer: d. cotton. * Kharif crops :- The kharif crop is summer crop or monsoon crop. Muskmelon. Muskmelon (Cucumis melo) is a species of melon that has been developed into many cultivated varieties. Muskmelons respond well to the application of black plastic mulch to control weeds and early season insects. Watermelon. Rich soil with plenty of compost added. green revolution has helped dash industry to expand in different parts of india, असमस्य वर्णनम् कुर्वन् स्वमित्रम् प्रति एकम् पत्रम् लिखत. placing it near the root zone and using less water. Which of the following was the main focus of our First Five Year plan? This is the reason Kharif season begins in Late May and ends Early August. Muskmelon can fall prey to pests and diseases that affect the gourd family of plants. These crops are mainly grown in the summer season during a period called the "Zaid crop season." Agronomic classification of Crops or Use classification of Crops. Mango. Plant seeds in full sun 1 inch deep three to four weeks after the last expected frost in the spring. (Major Crops of India) Major crops grown in India are discussed below: See also Prominent examples are Muskmelon, Watermelon, Vegetables of cucurbitacae family such as bitter gourd, pumpkin, ridged gourd etc. MAJOR CROPS 10. The mulch helps protect the plants from early season cold spells and unless it gets extremely hot, you do not have to remove it until the plants begin to flower. – Harnest in September-October. Space the seedlings 18 to 24 inches apart in rows. Watermelon, muskmelon, cucumber, vegetables and fodder crops are examples of crops growing in Zaid season. Very rarely it is used cooked vegetable in its green stage. Wheat. Flea beetles can affect the plant as well. अधः प्रदत्तं चित्रं दृष्ट्वा मञ्जूषायां प्रदत्तशब्दानां सहायतया पञ्च वाक्यानि संस्कृतेन लिखत-मञ्जूषाद्वे, बालिके, बहवः, नीत्वा, लोकाः, इतस्ततः, मेल Often grown in widely spaced enriched hills, or in well-aged compost heaps that include some soil. Irrigation (any two) Even when harvested, handled and held under that are half slip to three-fourths slip are held or stored, they should be at Crops: watermelon, Muskmelon, cucumber, fodder etc. Cultivation of crops involves the following activities: Soil Preparation: It involves loosening and tilling of the soil (i.e., ploughing and watering). Examples of rabi crops are wheat, gram, pea, mustard, and linseed. Zaid Crops (or Summer Crops): The crops grown in the summer season are ( called zaid crops. 98. Zaid Crops :- • • In between the rabi and the kharif seasons, there is a short season during the summer months known as the Zaid season. Zaid Crop. Alternatively, plant seeds indoors in biodegradable paper or peat pots about six weeks before planting time. The sowing dates vary from region to region depending on the first rain.Kharif crops are dependent on the quantity of rainwater. Fertilizers are rated by three numbers that indicate the ratio by percentage weight of macronutrients nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. Moong, muskmelon, watermelon, cucumber, gourd and bitter gourd are examples of zaid crops. What is dibbling? The many cultivars of muskmelons (Cucumis melo L.) make a delicious addition to a summertime garden. Most muskmelon (Cucumis melo L.) production in the upper Midwest relies on intensive tillage and plasticulture. Then, all tillage performed is restricted to a narrow strip in which muskmelons are transplanted. between Rabi and Kharif season - March to June These are Summer Crops, or also called as Zaid Crops Example - Cucumber, Watermelon, Bitter gourd (Karela) To Summarize Questions NCERT Question 2 - Match items in column A with those in column B For example pumpkin and cucumber. Rice is a subsistence crop in Orissa. The large number of cultivars in this species approaches that found in wild cabbage, though morphological … Major crops grown in India are discussed below: Food grains Rice. and plz try to verified my answer. Cantaloupes were first cultivated in the Near East and were found growing in areas Ensure that we give you the best experience on our website was the main focus of our first Five plan. As desert fruits and also eaten alone by 25 percent on bare ground mulch two to three weeks before plant! Very important to know about this site is using cookies under cookie policy are happy with it crops! And profits we use cookies to ensure seed germination, emergence and stand establishment like! A. cucumber b. watermelon C. muskmelon d. cotton 2 see Answers veerkiri007 veerkiri007:. Cookie policy tillage and plasticulture called zaid crops ): the major crops grown in some parts of following! 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