College athletics are extracurricular activities, but the schedules of the National Collegiate Athletic Association’s (NCAA) tournaments require an extended period in which the student-athletes must miss school. The goal of attending a college program should be to earn a degree. Pro. Most student athletes who play in college never become professional athletes. 4. White People? It encourages healthier student athletes. This would possibly increase graduation rates, allow fans to see their favorite players mature through college, and ensure coaches are preparing athletes as much as possible for the next level. Many scholarships may offer tuition, room, and board coverage in … Giving them what they deserve right? about college athletes getting paid has divided people into different opinions on this topic. All rights reserved. It would prioritize athleticism over academics. They are paid because they must deal with other things that college athletes don’t have to deal with and because they made it to the pros. As always, there are two sides to any argument. But, even though these sporting events bring lots of fun and excitement, they still have many underlying issues. Paying athletes would eliminate the need for additional employment. This is something that has been a growing issue in recent years. Many scholarships may offer tuition, room, and board coverage in return for participating in a sport, but not every student athlete qualifies for a scholarship. If a majority of these college athletes, who are bringing in staggering amounts of money to these schools were white, would this even be a conversation? Paying student athletes does not mean that the costs for everyone would automatically go up. So is it a good idea to pay college athletes … rules, college athletes are not to receive any windfall from any merchandise sold- even if they are tho only reason people buy it. There are many pros for why they should get paid, but there are also many cons on why they should not get paid. College sports have already become huge, with thousands of people lining up to watch their favorite student athletes and teams play. Although the richest institutions would always be able to offer more, at the end of the day, most people would benefit from lower costs because the system would require more efficiencies to remain productive. List of Cons of Paying College Athletes. That’s not insignificant to a college student. Apr 13, 2014. Because of the revenues their activities generate, the pros and cons of paying college athletes are closely scrutinized. There is also a chance college athletes will commit point shaving for money. I believe that all colleges should make it mandatory for their student athletes to graduate before they are allowed to go to the pro’s. Crystal Lombardo - March 7, 2016. There are several advantages and disadvantages to consider when looking at the idea of paying college athletes a stipend that goes beyond what they receive with their scholarship. 2. Families are often tasked with providing direct support for their student athletes to abide by current payment rules. Who is profiting from all the money being made from football, basketball, baseball, and many other sports teams at these colleges? 85434. Unfair compensation between players ― How will players be compensated? The ESPN documentary Broke gave an inside view of the financial woes of … On the other hand, it could be argued that scholarships are an alternative form of payment already being provided. I don’t think you should stretch it out to hundreds of thousands of dollars for playing, because a lot of times guys don’t know how to handle themselves with money. Faith, Fitness & Food. 15121. Pros and Cons of Paying College Athletes. The Pros And Cons Of College Athletes Get Paid 854 Words | 4 Pages. Works Cited Pros and Cons. Despite rules preventing such actions, coaches, shoe executives, agents, apparel representatives, and other industry professionals often conspire to pay recruits to join a specific college. The difference for college athletes is marginal in term of money . Share on Facebook . Removal of the exploitation factor; Fair compensation for the full-time expectations; Tangible recognition of the risks; Practical acknowledgment of the long odds of making it to the pros; A potential end to the seedy underbelly of college sports; Cons: Why paying college athletes might be a bad idea Only a small percentage of student athletes go on to have a career in professional sports after college. When everything comes down to dollars and cents, there could be more discrimination put into college campuses by paying college athletes than the benefits such an activity would provide. Players may stay longer ― To back up the last point, players wouldn’t have to leave school early and would still be able to pursue an education while taking care of their family back home. Today is National Voter Registration Day! Why should they not be paid? What many opponents are proposing is for TV networks and other game sponsors pay … “I feel like I have a little credibility and knowledge about this,” he began. Many schools use the funds from their athletics programs to fund other programs and activities. There’s No Crying in College… It isn’t the players. There are college athletes that come from very poor backgrounds or that hardly have any support. Here Are Some Pros and Cons — HuffPost. For some institutions, the costs could actually go down. To pay athletes a salary, most public institutions would need to ask taxpayers for monetary support. Using money to influence a high school student to select a specific program and hire a specific business manager is felony-level conduct. For example, would a school … There are pros and cons to both sides of the issue, but college athletes deserve to be paid for several reasons. The question of whether or not college athletes should receive some form of payment from their universities has been an ongoing debate due to the fact that both sides raise valid points that can be taken into consideration when answering that question. Comments and questions should be directed to Mike Gilleran at After watching several documentaries and reading many articles, I’ve come to acknowledge the legitimacy of the idea due to the corrupt nature of the National Collegiate Athletic Association, which makes large pro ts from college athletics but doesn’t share any portion with student athletes. Overall, the average Division I player is worth $170,098 per year with the 351 Division I basketball programs taking in more than 4.5 million in revenue on average each year.” These athletes are bringing in incredible amounts of revenue to these schools ― why aren’t they receiving what is due? Practical acknowledgment of the long odds of making it to the pros. Private institutions would likely increase tuition rates to meet the financial obligations involved. Faith, Fitness & Food. Cons of Paying College Athletes. Tweet on Twitter. That would cause the athletes who don’t eventually turn pro to suffer because they’d have fewer opportunities available to them. New levels of administrative complication would be incorporated into the educational system, which would further increase costs. While there is plenty of value in playing collegiate sports , there are other considerations an aspiring college athlete should factor into their decision. In fact, an impressive $100,000-a-year salary for a college athlete … They Are Being Paid A Different Way Many people argue that these athletes may not be paid with money, but instead they are paid with exposure. If we are to look up what NCAA (National Collegiate Athletic Association) – the implementing body in collegiate sports – has maintained regarding the issue, it’s this; paying college athletes is a no-go. Share on Facebook . Support Themselves and Family. Important conversations are happening now. One of the benefits of work-study programs is that it can supplement the credits earned while supplementing college tuition costs. There was a particular focus on the issue of whether college athletes should be paid. Paying all athletes would allow them to focus on academics and athletics without worrying about making ends meet. Paying college athletes will eliminate many of this issues that have a negative effect on both college athletes and the way college sports are being run. Over the years we have seen and heard scandals involving players taking money and even point-shaving. Let’s face it; college athletes give every game everything they have. - If colleges were paying college athletes now, in future times better athletes will a rise and choose that specific college because it will help the athletes, coach, and the school itself giving compensation In reality, much of that money is already used by the conferences and schools to host games or conduct events already. 7. Sometimes money is needed. The athletes should get paid because they put in the same amount of time as the pros do, and the pros It will be traded for lackadaisical plays and half-ass efforts that we sometime see from pros. The players should receive some of this money because without them the schools cannot be able to receive all the popularity and the money. In the NCAA, fewer than 2% of college athletes go on to become professional athletes. Three Reasons Why College Athletes Should Not Get Paid . I mean the bottom line is, isn’t this what they deserve for their labor? It might put a student’s education at the back seat. Below are a few potential pros and cons of paying college athletes. Paying the athlete would provide some financial relief to these families, which may not have the funds to make long-term supports. And with the hectic schedules for practice and actual games, their study might be affected. It could create college credits that could be used toward graduation. Student athletes who are receiving a salary would be classified as employees. White People? What about the top level talent? Wouldn’t paying them eliminate a lot of these issues? If those funds are ordered to be used as a salary for college athletes, then the other programs and services might suffer because of it. That would degrade the quality of life available on-campus at many institutions. Walk-on players have their images used to generate revenues for the NCAA too for zero compensation. There are many pros for why they should get paid, but there are also many cons on why they should not get paid. 5. Two writers take opposing sides in the debate over paying college athletes Although the case for paying college athletes is pretty strong, there are still arguments against it that should be considered. Because of the revenues their activities generate, the pros and cons of paying college athletes are closely scrutinized. Since these players are in college, they should never be paid to play their sport. Many of these athletes come from urban, low-class families and often leave school early because of the unimaginable pressure to be the main provider for their family at a young age. Limits corruption from external influences ― Compensating athletes in college will limit the corruption involving agents, boosters and others. Athletes would choose programs where they would be paid the most, instead of choosing programs where they could learn the most. Tap here to turn on desktop notifications to get the news sent straight to you. But I do find it interesting as to why so many are widely opposed to this idea. It could encourage schools to cut other programs. They shoul… Pros VS Cons of Paying Athletes. “… That would give student athletes the right to unionize in many states. It could create issues of paycheck equality. 6. Since the argument about whether college athletes should be paid has gotten a lot of public attention, there are some lines of reasoning that are frequently called upon to support the claim that college athletes should be paid. People who believe that college athletes should not be paid often point out that professional athletes in the major sports can make millions of dollars. List of the Pros of Paying College Athletes. If so, then there would be an undue burden placed on smaller schools that compete at higher levels. Depending on what programs were cut, it could even impact the safety of students over a long time period. Will each player receive the same amount? Should college athletes be paid? Not So Much.”. It provides another incentive to play. They would be required to maintain their position on the team to benefit from the income, much like they are required to do so now to maintain a scholarship. It provides relief for families. It would burden smaller schools. 1. Athletes may never go to class ― Let’s face it, if they give these kids money, they’ll never have any incentive to go to class. There are plenty of structural questions that would need to be resolved before paying college athletes became the norm. (AP Photo/Isaac Brekken). Is it because it’s unnecessary? Playing a sport in college can make the players more likely to go to the pros. Some participants would still be minors, which means their parents would need to be involved in contract negotiations. Not So Much.” These also happen to be the highest revenue-generating sports in college athletics. They don’t know how to manage their money, and there wouldn’t be anyone their to guide their financial decisions. former UCLA basketball player Ed O'Bannon Jr. sits in his office in Henderson, Nevada. Sometimes, there’s hungry nights where I’m not able to eat, but I still gotta play up to my capabilities.”. Should they receive more because they were All-Americans? African Americans make up the majority of college athletes at the top levels in three major sports: men’s and women’s basketball (Division I) and the upper FBS level of the NCAA’s Division I, according to Travis Walton’s HuffPost article “Black Americans Support Paying College Athletes. List of Cons of Paying College Athletes. Athletes could use some of the concepts and skills they learn within their program to enhance their educational experience. 15 jersey was a huge seller during his time at the University of Florida, and he didn’t make any money from it. The fight over whether college athletes playing lucrative sports for their schools should be compensated is expected to reach a tipping point in … Increased competition for the best athletes would create improved programming at colleges across the country. In other words, even if the merchandise is purchased solely because of an athlete’s popularity, that athlete receives no money. ― In Business Insider last week, there was an article that stated, “It is estimated that the University of Louisville has the most valuable players at $1.72 million per year based on the program’s $45.6 million in annual revenue. We made it easy for you to exercise your right to vote! Should College Athletes Be Paid? But paying athletes would distort the economics of college sports in a way that would hurt the broader community of student-athletes, universities, fans and … Pros Vs Cons Should Athletes be Paid? Why, They Already Are — Sports Illustrated. In an appearance on ESPN’s “First Take” on Sept. 13, Tebow channeled the energy of his legendary “The Promise” speechin an impassioned denunciation of the legislation. College athletics has become extremely popular and has turned into a job for many students. Is it racial? This question has been the subject of debate for many years. College athletes are people that are trying to get to the pros and therefore, are not paid because they have not made it yet. Some students in other programs would likely not earn the same amount as an athlete for their work-study program. As college athletic programs continue to generate millions of dollars in revenue for their schools, advocates for student-athletes have begun pushing for schools to pay their players, while opponents say that compensating athletes has the potential to ruin college sports. If salaries were to replace scholarships in college sports, athletes would not earn much more. Pros and Cons of Paying College Athletes. Should college athletes be paid pros and cons essay. During this year’s NCAA tournament, there has been obvious speculation about college athletes and the significant amount of revenue they have been bringing to their schools and the NCAA. All of this begs the question, that if the NCAA did choose to pay college athletes, what would be the advantages or disadvantages of doing so? Athletic facilities would be upgraded to encourage enrollment. Whether or not college athletes should be paid is a huge controversy in today’s society and includes many pros and cons. Many college athletes go on to play for major leagues like the NFL and make millions of dollars. You also never know when a talent scout may be present at a game. 3. If athletics is treated like a work-study program, there could be issues of equality in pay that would need to be evaluated. 5. Students should be against college athletes being paid because it is illegal, they aren’t at the professional level of play, and it would tear about the bond they have with their teammates. 13 Far-Reaching Pros and Cons of Minimum Wage, 18 Major Advantages and Disadvantages of the Payback Period, 20 Advantages and Disadvantages of Leasing a Car, 19 Advantages and Disadvantages of Debt Financing, 24 Key Advantages and Disadvantages of a C Corporation, 16 Biggest Advantages and Disadvantages of Mediation, 18 Advantages and Disadvantages of a Gated Community, 17 Big Advantages and Disadvantages of Focus Groups, 17 Key Advantages and Disadvantages of Corporate Bonds, 19 Major Advantages and Disadvantages of Annuities, 17 Biggest Advantages and Disadvantages of Advertising. Among whites, however, the numbers flip: Just 27% support paying those athletes, while 43% oppose it.”. Allowing college athletes to be paid would help to limit this issue, which would reduce investigation costs across the board. I feel like a student athlete. It could lower tuition rates. Not only do they miss class, but they are absent for nationally televised games that make a lot of m… College Athletes Getting Paid? Hi, I’m Michelle the founder of Faithful Workouts. In 2016, CBS and Turner Broadcasting extended their contact with the NCAA Division 1 basketball tournament with an 8-year, $8.8 billion extension. 4. According to N.C.A.A. Paying college athletes for their participation in sports eliminates the need for them to find outside employment to support themselves. For the athletes that do have the ability to play professionally, going to college is a stop on the journey toward a good paycheck. One of the most popular reasons as to why college students should get paid is due to injury. Money will only add to this fact. The Pros: Why College Athletes Should Be Paid. The athletes should get paid because of how hard they work in season and the off-season. 1. ©2021 Verizon Media. Removes athletes competitive nature and passion for the game ― Players will take on a “pro mindset” where the only motive is money. 0. And if you qualify for a team at a school that’s a good fit for you academically, why wouldn’t you play, right? Many former collegiate players were compensated, but some felt it was inadequate and they were owed more. 0. 1. The few that are lucky enough to make it to the pro’s usually end up playing for a couple of years and then end up not being able to find work. Most become professionals in their chosen field of study. It is considered a “double kill”. It encourages healthier student athletes. “Black Americans Support Paying College Athletes. It would attract better athletes who stay in programs longer. This can be a helpful foothold as you transition to an unfamiliar environment and that initial community can last throughout your four years. Many of them don’t want to go already, combined with the fact that some may be receiving grades without doing any work. Finding a balance, using key points like these, is the only way progress on this issue will be obtained. Pro. College athletes make enough money for colleges that it would not hurt to give some back. They will lose that hunger and passion that we see in college. That would create conflicts between schools and athletes in a manner that is similar to the conflicts seen between owners and professional athletes. Coupled with creating fair standards for compensation, education should be prioritized for these college athletes. Also, there is an issue on equal pay among players in different divisions. 6. It is a good business. Colin Cowherd states, “I don’t think paying all college athletes is great; not every college is loaded, and most 19-year-olds (are) gonna spend it—and let’s be honest, they’re gonna spend it on weed and kicks!”. We explore the pros and cons and conclude that college students have a right to be paid. Schools in Divisions I and II offer full scholarships to athletes through educational benefits. 3. They could then be drafted into a professional league once they’ve completed their courses. Essay on “Should College Athletes Be Paid?” Introduction . This isn’t something new. I used to be so firmly against paying college athletes that I wouldn’t even listen to the other side of the argument. According to the same article, “A majority ― 52% ― of black respondents are strongly or somewhat in favor of paying college athletes, while only 15% strongly or somewhat oppose the idea. Pro: Paying college athletes would help to begin creating a sense of financial awareness. The first point I would like to target is how much time a student athlete puts into the sport that the athlete participates in. Being a college student-athlete is a full-time job, bouncing between the weight room, the court/field, classes, and film sessions. Support their families ― Players would be able to actually afford a decent meal and possibly send some money back home. Aside from equipment access, medical care, scholarships, and travel support, student athletes receive zero compensation for their participation in their chosen support.By definition, paying the athlete would make them a professional. Below are a few potential pros and cons of paying college athletes. The NCAA states that 90% of the revenues generated through the games played by student athletes go into services, programs, or direct distribution opportunities which directly benefit member conferences and schools. 2. Paying college athletes may be beneficial to the students, but it can cause budget problems to schools that need to re-invest whatever they earned from college sports to provide better facilities and fulfill the academic needs of their students. College sports are just like another class. PROS. For example, the Selected Proceedings, ... along with the other materials about the pros and cons of paying college athletes, the new Nine Points will stimulate further discussion on this issue. Without even getting into whether college athletes should be paid, I just don’t see a scenario where college athletes can be paid without allowing the gap to … Is it unfair? The reason why student athletes are not currently paid, according to the NCAA, is that it would eliminate the separation between amateurism and professionalism in sports. By. Faithful Workouts' Membership. Corey Tatel: The Cons. If a student knows they will not go pro, they may decide to give up sports instead, which would ultimately reduce the income generated by collegiate sporting activities. It would eliminate the line between amateur and professional sports. Tim Tebow has emerged as the face of opposition to SB 206. Ed O’Bannon, a former professional basketball player, won a lawsuit in 2014 where the NCAA was ordered to pay $44.4 million in attorneys’ fees and another $1.5 million in costs to lawyers for the plaintiffs in the Ed O’Bannon class-action antitrust lawsuit against the NCAA. Scholarships might pay for books, tuition, and the other common costs of going to college, but they don't … 1. It is a practice that stays out of the public eye because everyone involved benefits if no one knows about the payments. The idea of paying college athletes a salary comes out of the revenues which are generated by sporting activities. College sports that are not as popular would also end up being treated unfairly where compensations are concerned, since they can only bring in so much income. I created this program with women over 40 in mind because we have different needs when it comes to our health. Here Are Some Pros And Cons, Sign up for membership to become a founding member and help shape HuffPost's next chapter. College sports generate billions of dollars in revenues in the United States every year. Students could save the money for a first apartment outside of college. Paying student athletes creates a number of variables which offer plenty of pros and cons to think about. List of the Advantages of Paying College Athletes 1. It would become a burden on taxpayers. It would create opportunities to unionize. Race isn’t the only issue, but statistically, it plays a huge part in the reason why many people oppose the fact that college athletes should be getting paid. Student athletes are not even permitted to autograph items, or sell certain personal memorabilia, as a way to generate revenues. Financial irresponsibility ― Amateur players receiving compensation just seems like a complete disaster. Should college athletes be paid pros and cons essay >>> click to continue The secret river by kate grenville essay Essays and criticism on feminism in literature – women in the 19th century in cases of divorce, and were barred from institutions of higher education women. But at the end of the day, I believe the cons of paying college athletes simply outweigh the pros. 1. 7. If student athletes are offered monetary compensation, which could run up to hundreds of thousands of dollars a year, it’s like giving them twice the benefits. Although students would still be required to meet academic standards to qualify for academic programs, paying athletes for sports participation would likely shift personal priorities. Those burdens could stop some students from enrolling for academic purposes, which would create lower-skill workers over time throughout the country. College athletes in injury-prone sports are risking their long-term health and well-being. Most would also agree that university programs should emphasize academics over athletics. Even as a former college athlete, I am at a point in my life where I can understand each side. Part of HuffPost News. Many former collegiate players were compensated, but some felt it was inadequate and they were owed more. Paying college athletes for their participation in sports eliminates the need for them to find outside employment to support themselves. If pay levels are allowed to be tiered, based on where a college competes, then is it fair for one athlete to be paid more than another because they were accepted into a “superior” program? It would stop corruption. The Pros Support their families ― Players would be able to actually afford a decent meal and possibly send some money back home. College sports is business, and a pretty booming one at that. College Athletes Getting Paid? Here are some pros and cons of paying student-athletes: Pros: Why college athletes should be paid. Depending on the setup of the program, it could even help athletes graduate with a degree in their chosen faster. Not just a regular issue at that, but a structurally racial issue on many levels. Playing a sport gives you a communityas soon as you step on campus – your team. That placed the value of March Madness at more than $1 billion per year for the first time in history. On this side of the fence, the most common reason given for why college athletes should not be paid is that they already get paid: they receive free tuition and, in some cases, additional funding to cover their room, board, and miscellaneous educational expenses. Add your voice! Outside of student loans for partial scholarship or walk-on athletes, it is up to each family to pay for the student to be at the school. Playing sports at the college level is a dream for many high school athletes. Should College Athletes Be Paid? If that line is eliminated, then the links between an education at a college and sports played at a college would weaken. Jon Pearlman, a 2012 Harvard University graduate and co-founder of the health-focused digital platform Mission Lean, played tennis in college and says, “I built incredible friendships [through tennis], not just because we spent so much time together in practice and competition, but because we … Another benefit of paying college athletes is that it could help teach the basics of personal finances to athletes, many of whom have dealt with very public financial struggles after retirement. The athletes put in as much work as the people who do get paid. OBannon and 19 others sued the NCAA, claiming the organization violated United States antitrust laws by not allowing athletes to get a share of the revenues generated from the use of their images in broadcasts and video games. After observing this ongoing dispute, I believe student athletes should be paid for their time and effort. Academics should be the top priority. 4. The athletes should get paid because of how hard they work in season and the off-season. Whatever it may be, it looks like this growing debate won’t be dying down anytime soon. Here is an essay example on whether college athletes should be paid or not. Paying College Athletes Pros and Cons. Most people would agree that athletes should be compensated when profits are generated by their likeness and activities. A big reason college athletes should not be paid is simply because they are not professionals. Athletes creates a number of variables which offer plenty of pros and cons and conclude that college should... 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