The Great Dane’s life expectancy is between 8 and 10 years, depending on the care provided. We used the Fatten Em Up Quick Meatloaf on our 2 yr old female, and it worked great. URGENT: Long time website contributor and friend NEEDS OUR HELP.Read Mary's story here. Most Dane owners are pretty attuned to their dog’s needs – when they are hungry, tired, need out, etc. Moderate activity is okay, but your dog should avoid exertion. Weight loss generally affects both body fat and muscle, resulting in emaciation. God. In elderly canines, there are ways to counteract the effects and give your dog their best life – even in old age. Your vet will do a physical exam first. Though it may not be an answer anyone would want, the good thing is that it was caught and can be treated. But he is doing fine (frequent vet visits due to his neurological issues early this year confirm that he is fine). Treatment of intestinal parasites involves the use of a broad-spectrum dewormer, Dr. Heinze says, followed by a monthly preventative medication to prevent reinfection. My female dane is almost two. The height and weight for female Great Dane is a little less at 29 to 33 inches and 110 to 140 pounds respectively. I was told normally the worse the case the quicker the result shows up. Protein is the single most important nutrient for losing weight. Once you can identify why your dog is losing weight or muscle, you can take action. Share with: Link: Copy link. This site has some great recipes for helping dogs gain weight. DISCUSSIONS. If you’ve noticed a small degree of unplanned weight loss, try adding calories to their diet, she says. 3. His play and demeanor have been unchanged. I dewormed him just to ensure he didn't pick something up somewhere and it doesn't seem to have helped. The doc seems to think he was infected prior to me beginning his heartworm treatments. The owners were feeding them the same amount every day, but the new food had 20 percent fewer calories.”. GARO Getty Images. Can you post a pic of yours. (02/13/2009) By kmcb59. The clinical signs associated with metabolic conditions are complex, and advanced diagnostic testing may be required to identify these conditions. The same for a female Great Dane is 29 to 33 inches and 110 to 140 pounds. Deuce tested positive for heartworms!!!! The ideal height and weight for a full-grown male Great Dane is 32 to 36 inches and 140 to 170 pounds. He has diahhrea most of the time, so it appears that he's not digesting his f … Advertisement - Continue Reading Below. The Great Dane is also known as the gentle giant, and rightfully so. Congenital hypothyroidism can be treated if it's caught before the dog ages past 3 to 4 months. The experiment must be controlled, which means it’s important to avoid feeding table scraps or too many treats. Interceptor is what we used to use, then the company folded, so now the same substance is used in Comfortis (fleas/tick only) and in Trefexis (Heartworm and flea/tick combo). “Whipworms, in particular, aren’t killed by a lot of products,” says Dr. Heinze. I currently use Revolution as his heartworm meds. Great Dane Health > losing weight . This is South Louisiana and mosquitoes are the size of danes. When we started, she literally ate anything I gave her, meat from any animal with bones in, and any organ meat she would just chomp down. I am wondering if maybe it his heartworm, but, he is on preventative and doesn't have a cough. 1 doz eggs They won’t ever get as round as maybe a Dachshund can, but they can definitely have too much fat–especially aging Danes that are not as active as they used to be, but are still fed the same amount. 1. The ideal height for a full-grown male Great Dane is 32 to 36 inches and weight 140 to 170 pounds. My nine year old Great Dane has been losing weight. Hi there, ... always have. That sounds on target with my puppy. Chronic stress can also weaken the immune system and increase your dog’s risk of developing an infection. Member. She was 117 in Nov 09.; 112 in February; 107 in June and is now 91 lbs. He eats and eats, but we (my vets and I) cannot figure out why he doesn't gain weight. Muscle atrophy in dogs is surprisingly common – it’s not just a human ailment. Educational site for people who purchase Great Danes and large and giant breed dogs. This is quite possible with Deuce, but, I doubt it. all about Great Danes Discussion Forum. Treating the underlying dental disease should help address your dog’s weight loss, but it’s important to monitor your pet’s appetite closely to make sure it’s back on track. Diabetes. Unplanned or rapid weight loss in dogs, while not uncommon, can be alarming for any pet owner. Any change there is a good indicator-- if he's more hungry yet still dropping weight then either internal parasites or another digestive disorder are possible. We've changed his food to Large Active Breed Naturals. He's been to the vet and treated for a UTI and has been de-wormed w/out results. “I have had people come to me because their dog is losing weight. My Great Dane, is losing weight quickly and has recently started to drool alot? In order to stop the boredom, first you need to be able to recognize it. Deuce is just turning 2 years old and has had exceptional health. If your dog is losing weight unexpectedly, it can be an indication of an underlying health or behavioral issue that requires veterinary attention. Her appetite is good. Here, eight health issues that could explain why you’re losing weight so suddenly. He plays outside very often due to the warm weather here in S. La. Let's talk about Great Dane health & dog illnesses often found in Danes and many large breed dogs. The chance of issues with parasites isn't necessarily 100% eliminated by Revolution and deworming, there are way too many possibilities out there to nail them all. The information provided at this site is designed to assist pet owners in the care and feeding of their companion animals. The dog will probably be placed on a low salt diet, and overweight dogs will be encouraged to lose weight. Fat Great Danes have a harder time moving around as they get old, plus the extra weight is hard on their joints and other body parts, and besides simple management, it’s very unhealthy. Reviewed and updated for accuracy on December 10, 2019, by Dr. Natalie Stilwell, DVM, MS, PhD Unplanned or rapid weight loss in dogs, while not uncommon, can be alarming for any pet owner.. He said it was odd, but, he has seen another dog have heartworms while on Revolution. NOTIFICATIONS. Dr. Heinze says that if you’re looking for food that’s truly meant to help your dog lose weight, talk to your veterinarian. However, some weight loss at different times for no apparent reason is not all that uncommon. Were there any other symptoms (other than weight loss) that you can look back on and say they might have been attributed to heartworms? He gained weight like that and he was in the 28 at 3 months. Why we recommend that Great Danes be Indoor Dogs. the vet said it was a very mild case. Older Dane, losing weight 02-18-2016, 04:41 PM. we have a vets appointment for Thursday. However, not all products are equally effective against all worms. Many times, weight loss is seen in older Great Danes. Tips for Reducing Shedding. I do see my Dane eating every day, so I know she hasn't stopped eating. Share with: Link: Copy link. And while that can seem inspiring for a minute, it’s not proven to be a sustainable way to achieve long-term weight loss and maintenance. Unlike some of the other conditions for which weight loss is a symptom, pets with kidney disease typically don’t drop pounds right away. Reviewed and updated for accuracy on December 10, 2019, by Dr. Natalie Stilwell, DVM, MS, PhD. Here are nine of the most common causes of unanticipated weight loss in dogs. 1 You have an over-active thyroid. Friendly discussion focused on Great Danes and large breed dogs. He eats about 3 times a day 4cups each time. weight loss. “It turns out the dog’s food was changed. I have a 1 1/2 year old male Great Dane that has lost so much weight in the past month that his rib cage is now visible. The dog would run outside after being treated and roll around in the grass. You've taken the appropriate first step in setting up a vet appointment. As I said before the blood test showed no larvae or non adults in the blood. GI problems can lead to weight loss over time. RE: Great Dane Needs to Gain Weight When my babies were little, my pediatrician had me give them a little cream (heavy whipping cream in the little cartons). If you notice your cat is losing weight, your first step should be to schedule a vet appointment. Dogs are generally adaptable to our lifestyles, but they are also highly perceptive and will notice even minor changes in their surroundings. He is on Revolution for parasite preventative. Hello!!! Oral pain, says Dr. Lara Bartl, DVM, Diplomate DABVP (Canine/Feline Practice), assistant professor at the Virginia-Maryland College of Veterinary Medicine at Virginia Tech University, may lead to weight loss in pets, as dogs will have a hard time chewing hard kibble when they’re dealing with an abscess or other gum problem. I noticed recently he is a little thin. The subjects covered are; Diets, Nutrition, Pet Health Issues and General Pet Care. This is truly quite upsetting for me. As the illness progresses, dogs generally feel unwell and experience vomiting, loss of appetite and dehydration. Wow! Sadly, Great Danes are susceptible … Our belief is as a community we can all learn from our combined. Oddly no. Diabetes normally causes dogs to have an increased appetite, but they will still lose weight. Share. Like kidney disease, pets with heart disease won’t start losing weight immediately. 8 posts losing weight losing weight . This website uses cookies for functionality, analytics and advertising purposes as described in our, General Great Dane Breed Information & Discussion. Fortunately, much of the shedding can be prevented with the simple grooming tips described below. Treatment for Weight Loss in Cats . Glad to know you have an answer. Low thyroid is a not-uncommon reason for weight gain in senior Danes, and can … He showed no sign of non mature heartworms in his blood stream on three different tests. 5 GOOD reasons for losing weight. Some owners report that these simple steps reduce shedding by a whopping 90%! Constantly losing weight and then regaining it won’t necessarily change the texture of your breasts, says Fitch—unless you’re losing a lot of weight at once. Great Danes are a wonderful mix of nobility and goofiness. He had no coughing or anything that would alert you to another condition. diehardmason. I was looking at pictures of Mack from a year ago and noticed that he is a bit lighter nowadays. Pets who are suffering from these types of conditions will generally be significantly underweight, no matter what type or amount of diet is offered. He's very happy and active. In fitness it’s all about looking great in a certain type of clothing, or on the beach, or at your high school reunion. Other canine cancers, such as oral melanoma, may make eating and swallowing more painful, causing the dog to avoid food. In July, she had an EKG & echo thinking the wt loss was from cardiomyopathy. With these tumors, weight loss may occur due to the metabolic demands of the tumor itself, or because pain and discomfort is causing reduced appetite and activity. If your dog appears highly nervous or depressed, then she may be more interested in factors other than her food. Share. Heat stroke is a very serious condition and without quick medical care can be fatal. Diabetes is characterized by insulin deficiency, also known as the body’s inability to absorb sugar from the blood. About the same as always. The vet may suggest some supplements and vitamins such as: She is a three year old Great Dane, she is normally a very active loving dog, today I went to mow the back yard and she didn't even try to move out of the way of the mower. Dr. Heinze says one of the most common explanations for weight loss is changing your pet’s food. The treatment for weight loss in cats depends on the cause. If you plan to change your pet’s food, check the ingredient labels of both brands and make the swap based on calories. Sometimes, however, we forget that our Danes can get bored, just like us! Lol “If they’re only getting diagnosed after they’ve started losing weight, they’ve probably had the disease for a long time,” Dr. Heinze explains. all about Great Danes Discussion Forum > Great Dane Discussion > Great Dane Health > Losing Weight. 62. As dental disease progresses, oral bacteria can spread throughout the body, leading to painful infections in the heart, liver and kidneys. I'm glad to hear it has been diagnosed and is now being treated. While not as common as other causes, Dr. Bartl says that stress and anxiety can significantly affect a pet’s appetite and should not be overlooked. Why is my dog losing weight. MESSAGES. She's been raw fed since she was 10 weeks old. The best way to reduce Great Dane shedding is to brush their coat once per week and provide an occasional bath. You saw Great Dane is a ‘gentle giant’ but your puppy is so normally small. If your Great Dane has suddenly lost a lot of weight and you have not been actively trying to get them to lose weight. Sign #13 – Weight Loss. This is a great way to add weight to skinny danes. NOT for young puppies! We use these recipes to keep our danes in great shape for the show ring. Moderators:Dugan1st, Sandhill Farm. Pets contract these by ingesting the eggs directly from the environment, from contaminated soil or water. Though it’s not common, Great Danes can get overweight. So about 12 cups a day. My Great Dane got into a bag of her dog food (Natural Balance). And she is still very energetic. Diabetes is caused by insulin deficit or the incapacity of the body to absorb the sugar from the blood. If there is a large amount of fluid in the dog’s heart, the vet may remove some fluid. They also develop other abnormalities because of the lack of thyroid hormones, and severely affected puppies die before weaning. Heat stroke is unfortunately a common occurrence in summer months for large breed animals. If your dog loses more than 10% of his total weight, this should be a reason for worry. I'd love to stay updated on the growth of yours to confirm or reject my suspicions. diehardmason. Dr. Bartl explains that changes in the household or the addition of a new pet could be possible sources of stress-induced weight loss. Metabolic disorders, such as diabetes mellitus and hypoadrenocorticism (also known as Addison’s disease), can alter your pet’s body condition. Also, dogs with advanced dental disease generally feel unwell and may lose body condition. We also have an 11 year old cocker spaniel and a 9 month old female dane and neither one of them is having any problems. In addition, make sure you’ve isolated their food from the other pets in the house to reduce food sharing or stealing. 10 Weird Cat Behaviors That Could Be Signs of a Sick Cat, 7 Ways Cat Lovers Can Celebrate International Cat Day. My Great Dane got into a bag of her dog food and over ate. Deuce is just turning 2 years old and has had exceptional health. 62. Next, lab tests and/or x-rays may be needed to determine the problem. Although it is usually a healthy breed, this animal can get to suffer some diseases that must be identified; therefore, in the next article we will address the usual health problems in the Great Dane. Diabetes can develop because of genetic or weight factors and is often seen in senior dogs. The ratio was approx 80% meat, 10% organ, 10% bone. Cancer is generally more common in older dogs, and malignant forms can be life-threatening. “Sometimes, a food that is marketed for overweight pets—it might say ‘healthy weight’ or ‘weight maintenance’ or ‘reduced calorie’—might have more calories than ‘regular’ food,” she says. Great Danes a cross between a sighthound and a Mastiff (hundreds of years ago) and I have found they are just as sensitive to drugs as my Collies & Shelties. Dog Illnesses and Great Dane Health. She looks great now, and we only feed her some twice a week now to maintain her good weight. They had a complete workup done and no one could find anything wrong,” she says. Generally speaking, Dr. Heinze says loss of appetite is the easiest way to tell if your pet’s weight loss is concerning or not. Symptoms of intestinal parasite infection in dogs can include: Intestinal parasites are typically diagnosed through a fecal exam to identify the eggs or other parasite life stages (depending on the type of parasite present). We have an answer!! Have you tried supplementing him with some high-calorie additions? It is a large dog, weighs between 50 kg and 100 kg. Dane losing weight on raw. This should be a very significant warning sign that your Great Dane has something wrong with them. Weight loss is associated with several malignant cancers in dogs, including hemangiosarcoma, lymphoma and osteosarcoma. Moderators:Dugan1st, Sandhill Farm. I hope he recovers quickly. He eats 6 cups of Solid gold Wolf King. why is my dog losing weight, he eats, just not much, and drinks(not liquor, just h2o), and seems depressed, but is still alert and comfortable??? He has been on revolution since the vet turned me on to him, so we have started the treatments and will go fromt there. I'm seriously starting to think he may be part Great Dane. Various types of cancer can cause unexplained weight loss in dogs, says Dr. Heinze. He did the antigen test and it didn't register until the last few minutes of the test. And there are tons of other medical issues that can cause weight loss. Not all cases of seemingly inexplicable weight loss are caused by disease. Any suggestions? “If they eat more and gain weight, they’re probably OK,” she says. 5 lbs raw ground beef -- (20% fat) Large heavy cream. It is warm 10-1/2 months out of the year here. Why Your Dog Is Losing Weight. Stools look normal & neg for blood and ova and parasites. When a dog is losing weight, he burns more calories than he consumes. Dr. Cailin Heinze, MS, VMD, DACVN, assistant professor of nutrition at the Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine at Tufts University, says that weight loss due to parasitism is less common than it used to be, because many pets receive monthly protection against heartworm and intestinal parasites. They all get dry food, left out for them all day, and I try to chose the top quality brands. Both signs can result from a variety of causes, so it’s best to talk to your veterinarian, who can help determine the underlying problem. Unexplained Weight Loss. If your dog is losing weight unexpectedly, it can be an indication of an underlying health or behavioral issue that requires veterinary attention. Add some cream to his food and see how he does. Satin Balls are not used as treats but either as a stand alone or dietary supplement for older danes. I think i take really good care of Deuce and it pains me to know he has to go through this. Also, malabsorption or maldigestion disorders may impair the intestine’s ability to break down and absorb valuable nutrients from the diet. Rather, weight loss is typically associated with chronic forms of the disease. Dr. Heinze says it’s easy to miss this because foods are marketed in seemingly confusing ways when it comes to nutrition. Any idea's what this could be? If you lose more than 5% of your weight in 6 to 12 months, tell your doctor, especially if you’re an older adult. ... FORUMS. Post Dec 20, 2010 #1 2010-12-20T17:45. The congenital condition can be identified by the stunted growth of Great Dane puppies, states CIDD. If you don't overdue it (which may give the dog diarrhea) it may help. She had had her thyroid test come back normal, she just wasn't good at keeping the weight on. my Great Dane does not gain weight. Excessive vomiting and/or diarrhea decrease the amount of available nutrients for your pet. They’re open books and it’s fairly easy to see their basic emotions. In fact, some dogs may appear to gain weight—despite a loss of appetite—due to fluid accumulation in the body.
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