And Beth-your extensive knowledge of how most rescue organizations temperment test dogs is astonishing. However, he developed corneal dystrophy, common in Norwegian Elkhonds, & found only in a couple of puppy-mill lines of Kees’. Several of my dogs gave blood samples, as did most of the entries at our and several other breed National Specialties, to aid in the development of the database. I would socialize any puppy, yes. But to certain people who are enamored of the romance of a breed dating back to Pharaoh? As I suspected, the results came back as primary breed German Shepherd with no other breeds listed. But again, some people love their breeds and won’t have a bad word said about them, despite the fact that some lines are dropping to bits. Lift your spirits with funny jokes, trending memes, entertaining gifs, … So what do you do, if you are a breeder? Sorry to labour the point but it’s important to be clear about what is really involved in having a safe family pet. Probability. What a fun exercise this has been. About two months ago a very close friend of mine called to share some good news with me. (It also explains why some of these breeds show up as false positives, when the computer searches can’t find a match and in some electronic version of desperation, settles on a Catahoula. Were you happy with your results? Try ignoring an adult dog who has become fixed on something and see just how long it takes THEM to give up the chase and leave you alone. And there’s an agenda behind the way some people use of these tests.. which is to deny that “breeds” exist at all in any meaningful sense (that is, with dogs of a breed having some consistency in appearance/structure/behavior). WISDOM PANEL, Wisdom Panel 4.0, $85 Wisdom Panel Health, $150 WIRED: Approachable pricing. Huge, physically imposing, large for it’s breed. But, as we are responsible for them, we should use science to ensure we selectively breed for ethically sound reasons – not simply because we think they look cute, behave aggressively or feel we have ownership over a type of breed because we happen to breed them ourselves. That’s between you and your dog. There is nothing wrong in my opinion about someone wanting a particular type of dog. I genuinely have no idea what he’s mixed with as I adopted him from a shelter as a pup. Genetic Conclusions However, look up German Spitz and you’ll find that it is both a breed and a type, which includes American Eskimo and Pomeranian. The owners started talking about their similarities and differences. I also learned that wire hair (or “furnishings” as they as so delightfully called) and short legs are dominant traits, so it is not surprising that they show up in Mom. Perhaps some need to (or not to) find a way to put things into categories in order for us to understand them? Just curious about the whole deal? And they have the difficult decision about how to best serve the dog for the future. Some breeds have more definitive patterns than others, especially those that have been closely bred as purebreds for a long time. It’s a huge error of judgement to fail to take a dog on at face value. “If you buy a puppy, you are killing a shelter dog” is a belief that has grown and grown over the last decade. ‘ some well-bred labs are good with children’. Some breeds do have a natural tendency to be good with children, just as some breeds are naturally hunters or good with sheep, or nippy with small children, or barkers, or combative with other dogs. For others, there is a total split between show and working lines. Obviously not something that was encouraged, but also not a rarity with Danes. Nic1, FAQ. Here, you’ll find answers to common questions about companion animal genetics. Time to sleep on it. ‘Get rid of it’. From where I stood, I could easily see both the pit puppy in the shopping cart, and the big guys standing next to me. Telling the owner what a lovely dog she was, and how well-behaved, and what kind of dog was she? He was temperment tested regarding children using a “dummy” doll and his response was fine. Anyway, I need to leave this fascinating discussion and get on with some productive work. Given the complexity of genetics, that is impressive. Perhaps “cautious” is the better word. Similarly, a dog trainer who works with a doggy day care told me a story. That example has just about wrapped up this entire discussion in a nutshell. I wonder how knowing the likelihood of breeds that make up our dogs impacts how we then view them or our expectations of/for them. Let's take a look at what the DNA told us about Ruby's ancestry... Learning Lab. It was large for its breed. When we say “this dog is a Lab” to use Mary K.’s example, meaning this dog is a good family pet instead of saying this Lab lunges at other dogs, this Lab drags people on the leash, this Lab tenses up at noises, etc. You’ll discover how DNA and breed history can impact your pet’s behavior and health. That doesn’t mean that I have ignored signs of potential dog aggression in Pixie. The APBT derives from the Staffordshire bull terrier, an English breed which was one of several created from crossing the old version of the (English) bulldog (before it became a dwarfed, underbitten thing) to several terrier breeds (a white terrier and probably the Manchester terrier predominately). Soon after we entered the store, we saw an older couple with a sweet, wagging (but perhaps just-a-little-too-confident) pit bull puppy. Etc. The behavior you observed a month before the attack would not have indicated what was coming, because the dog had not yet matured to the point to exhibit the behavior. I think this is a wonderful article and explantion of the Wisdom DNA Panel. The biggest reason I see is people are simply not aware of how important it is, and how small the window is. Socialization is important for all dogs, but we had learned that Corgis, especially males, tend to be dominant and territorial with dogs they don’t know. I don’t care if you adopted your dog from a rescue; I don’t care if your pup came from a carefully researched breeder. Most of the dogs at animal shelters, I’m told, are Staffies or Staffie mixes. Overall, after all this, I have a much more nuanced understanding of what the results of the Wisdom Panel tests actually mean, and find the results to be extremely interesting. You are such a nice family. I was hugely surprised when the two tri dogs produced a red & white…a color not seen in the breed for many years. What bothers me is when people become so convinced of what they just know their dogs “are like” that they DON’T bother to run or tug with their puppies to make sure that they don’t nip at fast movers or get snappy over toys (and yes, I absolutely did run, purposely, with both Sandy and Otis, despite the fact that Otis was a young adult of a stereotypically non-nippy breed and Sandy was a mature adult with no history of nipping at runners. Much of the time I would argue that the motivation for the tests is to satisfy our curiosity, a trait I find to be one of humankind’s most useful and endearing. Suddenly, the lovely and well-behaved dog becomes something else because of the things she must have heard about pit bulls. I recommended two things. He’s a puppy, after all. Many people have danes that get along very well with horses and other large farm animals. That somewhere way back in time Leo really did have a purebred Tervuren ancestor, or not? When I start to get a little bothered is when we mix too many apples and oranges to make a point that really leads back around to not looking at the entire picture or all of the ingredients that go into a bias or a discussion. I wish that people didn’t feel like they have to defend their choice whatever it might be. But what if you get back a report that says “No Result”? One of the things about this issue that I find intriguing is how much passion is elicited by breed-related issues. EmilyS, I think perhaps that you are thinking of the historic function of a breed, while Trisha was talking about broad genetic groups. The flip side is, if you are looking for a low-energy dog, why would you START with Border Collies, or border collie mixes? We know they share at least 50% of their DNA , but their DNA testing doesn’t indicate any similarities. I don’t care what breed or combined breed you have at the other end of your leash. About Us | They both bark a lot. I’d been looking into getting a greyhound, and there was one that drew my eye, a pretty black girl who had been at the rescue for several months already. It certainly doesn’t make him a border collie because he’s showing “border collie behavior”. I thought of another area of usefulness in the test. iPad auto correct sucks! How long did it take for your results (particularly the analyzing the results step). It’s irrelevant to me what ancestry my dog is really as I take her as I find her. We put him in the kiddie pool a lot. These are very involved owners. I’m not suggesting that beagles are prone to leash aggression. Wisdom Panel Return Policy. Saying that pit bulls tend to be dog aggressive and owners should expect that, and also realize that the behavior may come on gradually or suddenly at social maturity even in a dog that was previously dog social should be no more inflammatory than saying border collies tend to be high energy, and need an owner who can handle that, and the BC you see in the shelter may be calm because she’s stressed and shut down (as BC’s don’t tend to do well in shelters). I’ll freely admit to a lively interest in breed history and behavior. It also means that 10% of the time, it is flat wrong. The test not only tells you your dog's breed or breed mix, but it also offers deeper insights into your dog's health and genetics. I have two, very closely related. In fact three of them are from the same breeding pair from separate litters two years apart. It’s appealing to hang my hat on it and say, ‘see, this is WHY he is the way he is’. Since most registered puredreds are registered bases on only the certification in writing from the breeder that the litter was produced by any two dogs, there are definitely “purebreds” out there with less than purebred heritage, especially those purchased from commercial breeders via pet shop and internet. I definitely tend toward the latter camp but then, I live with a couple of mutts. Yeah, I've read that it generally takes a really long time to get to the lab! In most the results were not too surprising, a 1/2 JRT-1/2 Chihuahua, a 1/4 JRT-1/4 Mini Bull -1/2 unknown, and a 1/4 Boxer-1/4 Golden-1/8 Boxer-3/8 uncertain, but with Dal highest confidence. I know the quoted time is 2-3 weeks after the lab receives your sample, but I also have found that a lot of people got their results much more quickly. This is obviously a topic about which you are very passionate, and I have no real argument with much of what you’ve said about it. I think the DNA test provides good information which can help with medical decisions. ”, “Selection for use in Working dog trials is associated with high playfulness and aggressiveness, whereas selection for use in dog shows is related to low playfulness, low curiosity/fearlessness, low sociability and low aggressiveness. What Are Dog DNA Test Kits? What is more interesting and important is if there are any linkages to diseases and health issues within certain breeds. Someone earlier mentioned the collie intolerance for ivermectin. In there she explains the frequency of fatal dogs bites realtive to the number of kitchen level dog bites (of which there are quite a lot) – you are five times more likely to get killed struck by lightening than you are to get killed by a dog. She also mentioned having pups go into homes and getting loose or living on acreage and bringing down deer. One thing I would NOT have been doing is running and playing chasing games. There are absolutely no guarantees when it comes to a dog’s behaviour, only tendencies. No more having your arm pulled out of your socket on walks but that the dog reactivity thing was still an enormous issue. Ozo's Wisdom Panel DNA results. Yes, there are lots of interesting and often controversial issues in the world of dogs, but what is most important is that we love and respect them, treat people with the same respect we think we should give our dogs, and continue to advocate for responsible and benevolent interactions between these two species that have created one of the world’s most amazing relationships. Still others pride themselves in the fact that they have a large number of dogs who excel at both showing and working. Highly complex- often the source of great beauty, as well as all things opposite of what we admire. However, there are plenty of occasions where I get an amygdala hijack when a GSD is off leash and is clearly disengaged from it’s owner. I truly don’t think we have much disagreement, though. Dogs are bred for certain traits, but many others are not bred for. For those who are not, it IS a matter of finding the right dog, & I would argue that all information is potentially useful. The current wait time for an Embark kit to return results in 3 to 6 weeks. She did eventually say that she had never realized that pitties could be good dogs. After all, if the “science” shows that a dog is only partly the breed you think (or know… ) it is, than it’s not really a “purebred”, is it? As “ normal for the cabbage idea for our ewes but Embark tests for more genetic health conditions very. Who dreams of a certain age, and positive training in the scientific literature but alas, can! Would get bored wisdom panel results time as soon as he wandered away, I would not otherwise been... On the relative size of puppies topic, with eight lambs total exaggeration created! 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