cass county mn treasurer

Serving as chief general accounting officer: accounts payable, accounts receivable, central payroll and benefit administration, and preparation of periodic financial reports and annual financial statement. While no owner names can be changed in property tax records without the recording of a legal document, please provide taxpayer address changes as soon as possible, including addresses in care of other parties. Health, Human & Veteran Services400 Michigan Ave, Walker, MNHealth, Human & Veteran Services218 Washburn Ave E, Backus, MN, Land DepartmentWashburn Ave E, Backus, MN Sheriff's Office 303 Minnesota Ave W, Walker, MN, © Copyright Cass County 2020 | Employee | Home » Government » County Directory » Auditor-Treasurer. If you are unsure of your property ID number, consult the web mapping feature to search by address or call the Cass County Auditor-Treasurer's Office at (218) 547-7260 for this information. The payment stub for the first half (or a full payment) can be located at the very bottom of your tax statement. Why did my classification change from Homestead to Non-Homestead? Parcel Information. You will need the Property ID Number located in the upper left hand corner of the tax statement, the Account Number located above the small box in the left hand corner of the payment stub, your credit card number and its expiration date. Phone 218-547-7260. Louisville and Plattsmouth sales tax rate is 7%. Sharon K. Anderson Cass County Auditor/Treasurer P.O. Cass County was created on September 1, 1851 by the Minnesota Territory legislature, although its government was not organized until 1897. According to records at the Missouri State Treasurer's Office, there is over 1 million dollars of unclaimed property being held by the state that actually belongs to citizens in Cass County! 1. Taxes on residential homestead property are due May 15 and October 15, while resorts have until May 31 to pay. The Property Tax Billing and Collection Procedures fact sheet has more information. Inquiries about the delinquent tax proceedings described above can be made to the CASS COUNTY AuditorTreasurer at the address listed below. County of Cass Treasurer is a public business and is considered small. It was named for Lewis Cass, a Michigan political figure of the 19th century. For more information, click here. Cass County Divorce Records are legal documents relating to a couple's divorce in Cass County, Minnesota. Box 266 16 3rd Avenue East Ada, MN 56510 Phone: (218)784-5471 Fax: (218) 784-4531 . Certain townships and cities may not have data available at this time. Have your tax statement and bank account information readily available before you begin making your payment. The payment stub for the second half payment is located directly above the stub for the first half. I didn’t pay my taxes last year – now what do I do? No results found. To obtain a duplicate tax statement by mail, call 218-547-7260. Also, additional interest is charged once the payment remains past due on January 2nd of the following year. The collection of this fee began in 1990 to fund waste disposal and recycling programs in Cass County. The fee for paying by Visa Debit Card is $3.95 per transaction. Popular Content. Home » Government » County Directory » Auditor-Treasurer » Paying Your Property Tax, Contains links to the following forms, fact sheets and related links, Contains links to the following fact sheets and information, In Person Monday - Friday 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Cass County Auditor-Treasurer’s Office 2nd floor of the Cass County Courthouse 303 Minnesota Avenue West, Walker, Minnesota. The county was formed of areas partitioned from Dakota, Mahkatah, Pembina and Wahnata Counties. Among tax payment options offered by Cass County for a variety of taxpayers needs, some payment options are not right for everyone. Home » Government » County Directory » Auditor-Treasurer » Parcel Information. Cass County Joint Water Resource District. SALES TAX; Sales tax is collected on the purchase price minus trade in(s) and rebates. This unclaimed property could be anything from an insurance refund check that was lost to a … 211 9th Street South Fargo, ND 58103 (701) 297-6000 . Box 3000Walker MN 56484, Automatic Payment (formerly known as our Direct Debit Program) Know that your tax payment will be received on time worry free by paying your property taxes automatically from your checking or savings account. Unknown. Click here for more information and an application form. The Cass County Assessment Office is working to digitize all assessment records. Have you lost or misplaced your paid tax receipt? Taxpayers using these services should plan on 1-2 business days for their payment to be received and posted. I’m disabled – am I eligible for a tax reduction? Just enter a parcel number and choose the year from the drop-down menu. While we can’t answer questions regarding this program, here’s a link to the forms and instructions provided by the State of Minnesota:  Property Tax Refund. Home; Government. (Be sure  your pop-up blockers are set to allow you to open this type of file.) The later you pay, the greater the penalty. Agricultural property taxes are due May 15 and November 15. City of West Fargo County Buildings Staff Resources Job Openings Accessibility Contact Us. 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM. Norman County Auditor-Treasurer. County of Cass Treasurer is located in Fargo, ND. [Back to the top]. Call, mail or email our Address Change Request form to the Auditor-Treasurer’s Office as soon as possible to update your address. Cass County Treasurer Cindy Howard: Contact Information: Phone: (574) 753-7850 Fax: (574) 753-0401 Email: Location: Cass County Government Building Room 104 • 200 Court Park Logansport, IN 46947 Donna J. Hanson, Auditor-Treasurer P.O. The West 66 feet of the Southeast quarter of the Northeast quarter (SE1/4 OF NE1/4), Section 6, Township 138 North, Range 29 West, Cass County, Minnesota is substandard in size and may not be treated as a separate parcel. Credit or Debit Card Payment (convenience fees apply) Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover credit cards are accepted.The fee for using a credit card is 2.35% of the amount of the payment, with a minimum fee of $1.95. These records can include land deeds, mortgages, land grants, and other important property-related documents. Formerly known as the “solid waste fee”, the refuse management fee is charged to improved real estate and personal property parcels based on building type and classification. Cass County Treasurer's Office is a company that is located in 303 Minnesota Ave, mn Cass, MN Walker, MN. If an escrow company is providing this service, an informational copy of your tax statement will contain the notice “If taxes are paid by an escrow agent, do not pay.” [Back to the top]. Cass County Auditor-Treasurer’s Office 2nd floor of the Cass County Courthouse 303 Minnesota Avenue West, Walker, Minnesota. Contact the Driver Licensing office in regards to: Driver License ; Driver Permits; ID Cards; Commercial Driver's License (CDL) The Morehead Building 201 S Second St Plattsmouth, NE 68048 (402) 296-1028 Every Thursday and Friday. How do I appeal the value of my property? Can you help? Return the Commercial Tax Deferral Form to extend the 1st half due date until May 31st for eligible businesses. Minimum partial payments of $100 are preferred if possible. The Cass County Board has historically supported a flat fee for funding these necessary services instead of funding these costs through the annual levy. 1851--Cass County was created 31 March 1851 from Dakota, Pembina (Old), Mahkahta, Eliminated 1 Sep 1851, and Wahnata, Eliminated 1 Sep 1851, Counties. All other debit cards have the same fees as credit cards. Call the Auditor-Treasurer’s Office at 218-547-7260 to find out the amount of past due taxes, which will include late payment penalties and interest. Non-payment of property taxes will result in the loss of the property through forfeiture under the laws of Minnesota. Cass County Limits Public Access to Buildings Read More. (Services comply with all government regulations. Phone 218-547-7260. Providing tax record information to realtors, mortgage companies, escrow agents and completing tax certificates and tax searches. Maintaining tax books showing taxes paid or unpaid. 8:45 - 12:00, 1:00 - 4:30. Health, Human & Veteran Services400 Michigan Ave, Walker, MNHealth, Human & Veteran Services218 Washburn Ave E, Backus, MN, Land DepartmentWashburn Ave E, Backus, MN Sheriff's Office 303 Minnesota Ave W, Walker, MN, © Copyright Cass County 2020 | Employee | Anyone who has paid Cass County personal property taxes may get a duplicate tax receipt. Administering the property tax system, including all levy and tax increment financing data, tax settlement process, parcel ownership database, delinquent taxes, and tax forfeiture. The Minnesota Department of Revenue also has a fact sheet on this subject to assist. You may be, depending on your circumstances. Collecting deed and mortgage registration taxes. Only the new contract holder will receive the annual property tax billing statement, but it is the responsibility of the seller/owner to monitor whether or not the taxes have been paid. Office Hours 8:30 - 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday Closed on Observed Holidays. Mailing statements and collecting payment for all real estate, personal property, severed mineral interests, manufactured homes, and tree growth taxes. You may contact the Cass County Treasurer's Office for questions about: Property records requests for Cass County, NE Looking up property owners by name and address Serving on the budget committee and providing accounting/technical support for the annual budget and truth in taxation process. Menu & Reservations Make Reservations . Tax statements for the years starting in 2015 may be printed from the Cass County website. Rush River Water Resource District. On this page the Companies from the County of Cass County, MN are displayed: We would like to provide services and support to our customers remotely. Login, Health, Human & Veterans Services Advisory Committee, University of Minnesota Extension Services, Upcoming Special School District Elections, Low Interest Septic Loan for Cass County Residents. [Back to the top], Escrow Account Property taxes may be collected along with your mortgage payments and held in an escrow account for you. See the back of tax statement for the penalty schedule and more information. All fees are collected by { forte } Payment Systems, no portion of which is collected by or refunded to Cass County in any manner. Reviews (218) 547-7260 Website. Witness my hand and official seal on this 29th day of March, 2016. 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM. For more information or to receive an enrollment form by mail call 218-547-7257. I don’t understand how my property taxes are calculated. Search Go. [Back to the top]. Get directions, reviews and information for Cass County Treasurer in Walker, MN. In Minnesota, Cass County is ranked 15th of 87 counties in Chambers Of Commerce per capita, and 45th of 87 counties in Chambers Of Commerce per square mile. Please remit these items to Cass County Treasurer 346 Main Street, Room 204, Plattsmouth, Ne 68048. Marriage License; Inmate Roster; Property Taxes; County Buildings Staff Resources Job Openings Accessibility Contact Us. Mobile home taxes are due August 31 and November 15. The Cass County Treasurer and Tax Collector's Office is part of the Cass County Finance Department that encompasses all financial functions of the local government. Sharon K. Anderson CASS COUNTY, Auditor-Treasurer CASS COUNTY Courthouse PO Box 3000 Walker, MN 56484 218-547-7260; Fax 218-547-7278 211 9th Street South Fargo, ND 58103 (701) 297-6000. I just retired in Cass County and need to homestead my property here. The Treasurer also settles with township and city treasurers for taxes collected, collects delinquent real property taxes, maintains debt service accounts for bonded indebtedness of the County and is responsible for the certification of warranty deeds and the sale of dog licenses. If pre-addressed envelopes are not available, please mail payments to: Cass County Auditor-TreasurerP. Amid the COVID-19 situation, we have limited public access to County buildings. [Back to the top]. Accounting Expenses . Business Expenses. O. See the Minnesota Department of Revenue’s fact sheet for more information about the market value exclusion on homestead property of qualifying disabled veterans. Disbursing county funds at the direction of the county board to cover county liabilities, and serving as chief investment officer to invest available fund balances under statutory guidelines. Maintenance agreements and documentation fees are subject to sales tax also. Penalties and interest rates are set by state statute. More Events. BACKUS--Cass County Chief Financial Officer Sandra Norikane opened her auditor-treasurer annual report presentation to the county board Feb. 19 with a description of personnel changes made in 2018. Login, Health, Human & Veterans Services Advisory Committee, University of Minnesota Extension Services, Upcoming Special School District Elections, Low Interest Septic Loan for Cass County Residents, Election/Voting Information (for new homestead applicants), Contract for Deed Sales - Tax Collection Procedures, Minnesota State Property Tax Refund Programs, Late Tax Payment Penalty and Interest Schedule, Assessor’s Office Link – Homestead Property of Blind/Disabled/Disabled Veterans, Minnesota Fact Sheet – Homestead Property of Disabled Veterans, Minnesota Fact Sheet – Understanding Property Taxes, Minnesota Fact Sheet - Appealing the Value or Classification of Your Property, Local Tax Rates for Taxes Due in 2021 -preliminary, Property ID Number located in the upper left hand corner of the tax statement, Account Number located above the small box in the left hand corner of the payment stub, Commercial properties based on building value. Box 280 Moorhead, MN 56560 Ph: 218-299-5011 Fx: 218-299-5195 Hours Monday - Friday 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Closed Holidays Staff Directory These can include Cass County death certificates, local and Minnesota State death registries, and the National Death Index. Our staff can advise you on options for payment. For the City of Fargo or West Fargo, please visit the appropriate site for more information: City of Fargo. Cass County Land Records are real estate documents that contain information related to property in Cass County, Minnesota. What’s this refuse management fee on my taxes? If you are relocating to Cass County as a permanent resident, register to vote online at the Minnesota Secretary of State’s website, or visit the Elections/Voting pages of the Cass County website. Jan. 19. I just sold my property on a Contract for Deed – am I still responsible for the taxes? Treasurer; Vehicle Licensing; How much is a duplicate receipt? For individual questions, call the Cass County Auditor-Treasurer’s Office at 218-547-7260. County Directory. Year Statement # Type Tax Penalty Interest Discount * Paid Balance Add to Cart ${Year} ${StatementNumber} ${PropertyTypeLink} ${Tax} ${Penalty} ${Interest} ${Discount} Settling and distributing taxes collected for local taxing districts of the county (towns, cities, school districts, and special taxing districts). In cooperation with Cass County, { forte } Payment Systems offers taxpayers secure, reliable fee-based electronic options to pay taxes over the internet or phone by e-check or using a credit or debit card. Minnesota State also collects and indexes divorce filings to help people perform public divorce record searches. The notice of your assessed value mailed every spring contains information about the process to appeal your value, or you can contact the Cass County Assessor’s Office year round at 218-547-7298 or email to Cass County Treasurer 303 Minnesota Ave Walker MN 56484. County Legislative Meeting. There are 4 Chambers Of Commerce in Cass County, Minnesota, serving a population of 28,810 people in an area of 2,022 square miles.There is 1 Chamber Of Commerce per 7,202 people, and 1 Chamber Of Commerce per 505 square miles.. Jan. 15. Advertising Expenses. Failing to provide a current address may cause delays or non-delivery of time sensitive tax statement and other critical property related mailings to property owners. Businesses that earn 60 percent of their gross income from May through August have a later due date if a tax deferral form is filled out. Administering vital statistics – birth, death, marriage, notary public applications and service. County of Cass Treasurer is classified under government finance & taxation offices and has been in business for 10 or more years. County Buildings Staff Resources Job Openings Accessibility Contact Us. Business Profile Partial payments are accepted. This business employs up to 4 associates. Acknowledged by Auditor/Treasurer’s Office By: Deputy Auditor Date: Reserved for recording SECOND AMENMENT: ... Cass County, Minnesota. Events. How do I do that? They include the divorce papers that the couple files in Cass County Court, as well as any records created during the divorce procedure, and a divorce certificate. You can contact the company via this phone number: (218) 547-7290. The Cass County Assessor’s Office can assist you in determining if you are eligible and with the application process. 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM. County Buildings Staff Resources Job Openings Accessibility Contact Us. If you pay your first half or second half property tax after the due date, a penalty will be added to your taxes. Providing licensing services for retail sales of liquor, beer, tobacco, precious metals, transient merchant, mass gathering permits, public fireworks displays, and gambling permits/exemptions. U.S. County Cass, Minnesota, MN, County. There is no charge in Cass County for a duplicate tax receipt. The e-check fee is $1.50 per transaction. Box 3000 Walker, MN 56484 218-547-3300 MOBILE HOME CLEARANCE SHEET APPLICATION TO MOVE _____ APPLICATION TO TRANSFER TITLE _____ … Access Document Duplicate Property Tax Receipts Show All Answers. News. This business is categorised in legislative and general government, legislative bodies. Cass County Death Records are documents relating to an individual's death in Cass County, Minnesota. This fee is uniformly applied to all identified improved parcels with an assessed value of at least $1,000, based on the following schedule. [Back to the top], By Mail Payments sent by mail should be postmarked on or before the due date to avoid late payment penalties. Driver Licensing Office. These funds are then distributed at the proper time by the company which handles your mortgage payments. Search. 2020 Newsletter                                    2019 Annual ReportResponsibilities of the Auditor-Treasurer's department: Minnesota Gambling Control Board - pull-tabs, raffles, bingo, paddlewheels, and tip boards. Serving as chief election officer of the county. It varies, depending on the classification of your property. Subdivision and Platting. Maintaining computerized parcel-based mapping for the geographic land records information system. File your homestead application with the Cass County Assessor’s Office. CLOSE. Cass County, ND Home Menu. Cass County Courthouse: 211 9th St. S., Fargo, ND 58103 Find us on a map: Phone (701) 241-5620: Fax (701) 241-5621: Office Hours: Monday-Friday, 8 am-5 pm: Email: Send us a message: Portfolio Commissioner: Chad Peterson. 211 9th Street South Fargo, ND 58103 (701) 297 … When do taxes start incurring penalties and can the penalties be waived? No results found. The property tax refund program is a state program. [Back to the top], E-check (convenience fees apply) Electronic or “e-check” payment is convenient and fast. The sales tax rate varies in Cass County. The Cass County Auditor Treasurer is Sandra Norikane AddressCourthouse Annex, 2nd Floor303 Minnesota Avenue W PO Box 3000Walker, MN 56484 3000 PhoneMain Line 218 547 7260Elections 218 547 7275Vital Statistics 218 547 7247Fax 218 547 7278 2020 Newsletter 2019 Annual ReportResponsibilities of the Auditor Treasurer s department Administering the property tax system, … Cass County Treasurer 346 Main, Room 204 Plattsmouth, NE 68048 (402) 296-9320. Please carefully check all applicable fee calculations and read terms and conditions before finalizing all electronic payments.) All questions regarding classification or value can be directed to the Cass County Assessor’s Office. Note: Tax Statement creation will open a new window and will take about 20 seconds to complete Please make checks payable to Cass County Auditor-Treasurer and enclose the appropriate payment stub(s) from your tax statement(s). Taxes are credited to the newest (latest) tax year first, and then in inverse order by year until paid in full. Enroll in Cass County’s Automatic Payment option free of charge by filling out the Automatic Payment Authorization Form. $2,500 to $4,999. Auditor-Treasurer Email Lori J. Johnson Treasurer Clay County Courthouse 807 11th St. N. 2nd Floor P.O. More information and the locations of recycling bins and waste disposal transfer stations can be found on the Solid Waste and Recyling tab found on the Environmental Services page of the Cass County website. Death Records are kept by Vital Records Offices or Cass County Clerk's Offices, which may be run by the state or at the local level. Pre-addressed envelopes are enclosed with your tax statements for your convenience. The Minnesota Department of Revenue’s fact sheet may be of help to you. Paying Prior Year Delinquent Taxes When paying taxes still due from prior years, call the Auditor-Treasurer’s Office at 218-547-7260 to verify the correct amount for payment. I own a summer business which operates between May and August– when are my taxes due? Minnesota law gives some property tax relief to qualified blind and disabled persons, and under a separate program, to disabled veterans. Of your tax statement for the annual budget and truth in taxation process eligible a. I don ’ t understand how my property cass county mn treasurer received and posted death Index mailing statements collecting... Address listed below with the application process taxes are due May 15 and October 15, while resorts until! J. Johnson Treasurer Clay County Courthouse 807 11th St. N. 2nd Floor.! 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