its like super super super super just ridiculous that they would make it this easy. Everything it does it does at the highest level. I've spent more time doing sidequests and trying to build my kingdom. Not everything needs to be gritty and mature just to be good. Good thing it has an easy platinum so I can trade it back to the shop when I'm finished with it. I don’t like the design of some playable characters, but I have to admit I purchased the season pass and I rarely do so on a game so quickly. Budgets, auf die wir leider angewiesen sind, wenn wir PC Games auch in Zukunft in gewohnter Form kostenlos anbieten wollen. A wonderful story, amazing characters, beatiful landscapes, lots of fun activites etc? This game sucks. After the magical Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch I had high expectations for the sequel, but I got a boring game, with a boring story, with shallow characters, and a simple gameplay with difficulty for 5 years old kids :/, What makes a game great? The open world is for the most part an traditional RPG format with miniaturized character models who travel through areas with sparse roaming enemies who will trigger a combat scenario if encountered. they have ruined their game that could have made them a ton and I mean a ton of more cash, but everyone is trading it in, or telling their friends do not buy this. It feels like. Ni No Kuni 2: Revenant Kingdom - DLC Adventure Pack Trailer See what's included in the Ni no Kuni II's free DLC Adventure Pack, releasing on PS4 and Steam. Thank you Level 5 and Bandai Namco for this gem. Very little amount of voice acting making what voice acting there is feel like a tease. Im Falle von Ni no Kuni 2 ist das aber so. Almost perfect combat mechanics hidden somewhere in the game with no difficulty settings. Prince's Auflage $16.07 . The characters were ok, none stood. In summary, I recommend this game because it's fun and unique, however I don't necessarily think anybody is hugely missing out on an amazing experience by skipping this game. O que mais me deixou triste com essa "continuação" é que não é uma continuação... é um novo jogo em um cenário familiar, com estrutura totalmente diferente da original (infelizmente). There is too much to say about this game that makes it great. Each NPC in your kingdom had its own unique story. NNK2 is a delightfully charming game and for a series newcomer, I love it. Eine mehr als würdige Fortsetzung. Very good Graphic Design and Narrative Story line. It feels like the writer doesn't bother to come up with a good reason behind characters' motivations. Ni No Kuni 2: Revenant Kingdom is beatiful, polished, and a must have game to all (J)RPG … I think you get the point. Not everything needs to be gritty and mature just to be good. It's a new story so you aint gotta play the first. Nothing was too hard to come by, even though there are a few quests that are oddly misplaced in where they are available in the game. Ni No Kuni 2 macht Spaß, verzaubert durch seinen malerischen Stil und regt sogar ein wenig zum Nachdenken an. I loved Ni No Kuni 1 and was even more surprised, that Ni No Kuni 2 was able to reach, if not even surpass, my expectations. Ni No Kuni 2 was a blast to play. RPG fans owe it to themselves to experience this gem. Character motivations make no sense. based on However, the beautiful graphics completely fall apart once the player reaches the world map, which is an. Unser Überblick zu internationalen Reviews zum JRPG der Professor Layton-Entwickler. Building your kingdom is satisfying and engaging, even with the weak narrative hooks. Gameplay is terribly easy and just button mashing. The character is one dimensional and the plot is really stupid. I can't think of any other game that had me more interested in doing sidequests than the main story, the main story is good itself, but my focus is on the kingdom right now. Great for any jrpg fan. This game is a worthy successor to the first game. The combination of different genres, JRPG, management and RTS, works well, as each style is interwoven with the others. It would have been nice to have that extra effort put in and experience more character acting. It's a shame it delivers so few truly memorable characters and restricts so much of its storytelling to text on screen, but by the end of Ni No Kuni 2 the broader themes certainly resonate and the 40+ hour journey has been well worth it. To mention some negatives, the game sometimes relies to heavily on reading character text rather than hearing the voice actors. Spoken dialogue is sparse, and the story really could have been great with more effort, but the ending still evokes emotion dispite all of this, something many games are unable to achieve. The story while a bit too basic actually ended up impressing me by the time the credits rolled. Suikoden x Fire Emblem x Rogue Galaxy // This game could have done tiny things better (like the frequency of skirmish spawns) but it did nothing wrong at all. Ni No Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom günstig kaufen Günstiger als jeder Preisvergleich Finde täglich neue Angebote und spare bei deinem Einkauf mydealz Deeper narrative and more balanced gameplay could make this game contender to the game of the year awards, but it is how it is... Boring story, boring characters, boring combat and awful music. Against all odds, it manages to hit them all in a way that very few games in its genre can manage. Basic game design. Größtenteils fallen die Testwertungen positiv aus. Hooray!" I really hope someone over there will see this. Sadly this game is one huge disappointment. Test-Übersicht zu Ni No Kuni 2: Schicksal eines Königreichs für PS4 und PC - Wir liefern euch einen Überblick zu nationalen und internationalen Reviews des neuen Japano-RPGs von Professor Layton-Entwickler Level-5. Möchtest du diese Seite als Startseite festlegen? This game look amazing, one of the best looking game i ever played. Im just about to enter the final dungeon (35 hours on) and im certain that ill play on after i beat it. eu esperei por esse jogo por muito tempo o jogo esta fantástico cara é um dos melhores activar ns rpg que joguei ,defeito é n tem dublagem nem legenda . I loved building a kingdom and it has the same great studio ghibli style the white witch did. O que mais me deixou triste com essa "continuação" é que não é uma continuação... é um novo jogo em um cenário familiar, com estrutura totalmente diferente da original (infelizmente). I dont remember when I was so hooked to the game that i had to force myself to quit just. When it comes to building the actual structures, this is the first time I've encountered free online mmo strategies in a single player game. O sistema de familiares que era a base do jogo foi extinto, a luta ficou uma mistura de "Hack and slash" e pikimin... deprimente e entediante. I somehow feel that this game really more about kingdom building game than RPG, you will spend so much time in building your kingdom, waiting for resources, looking for new citizens, upgrading etc. Combat, exploration, and side quests were a lot of fun. Allied by very beautiful visuals and an incredible soundtrack, Revenant Kingdom is highly recommended to traditional JRPG enthusiasts who … Ni no Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom Das von LEVEL-5 entwickelte Ni no Kuni II besticht mit bezaubernden Charakteren vom legendären Künstler Yoshiyuki Momose und einen mitreißenden Soundtrack vom weltbekannten Komponisten Joe Hisaishi. I dont remember when I was so hooked to the game that i had to force myself to quit just because humans must sleep. I'm not joking at all on this. I play many games at. Before it's mentioned yes, I have already spent hours combing Grotty Grotto and have encountered the dog merchant seven times without him having the shoes. Bad game with poor graphics and slow loadings. It's how you get basically all of the upgrades throughout the game and gaining new citizens to build up your kingdom was the highlight for me. I pretty much bought my PS4 to play this game. Ni no Kuni 2: Revenant Kingdom is a classic JRPG transported into the contemporary era. However, the beautiful graphics completely fall apart once the player reaches the world map, which is an FPS nightmare that lacks the color and fidelity of the rest of the game. The story is also very dry and childish. Die PS4-Version kommt indes auf 85 Punkte. Nevertheless, the story remained compelling enough to read through text boxes most of the way. The missing option to make it tougher is the biggest downside. This is the first game that makes me want, Let's just start by saying I loved the first game. The combat in the game is a very well done action RPG style that I thought was the best part of the game. Addictive like hell, not perfect but i love it, especially amazing kingdom building where i can develop everything I need: spells, armor, weapons, food, skills and tons of everything else. TO start, ignore those **** who say this game is too childish and immature. It is super annoying, and I'm not a super high level. Love all the cute little creatures and looting is great! This is a lovely game that brings back a lot of fond memories from the first game. While it imitates many of the classic's greatest features, it also loses some of them. I've so far not come across a game with more monotonous side quests. and the characters were like "wow, best speech ever, Evan", I just couldn't go further. Grafiknya unik, suasananya kental akan dongeng dan fantasy. Gameplay? The only negative so far is that the battles and bosses are too easy but I am hoping that as it progresses so too does the difficulty. Красивая, умная и интересная игра. An amazing game that won't just tell you a story, but will make you live it. While not on the level of many city-simulation games, it is still a fun way to reward players for exploring within the game. Track price history and check current deals in Official PlayStation Store Indonesia for Ni no Kuni™ II: Revenant Kingdom PS4 (Full Game) NK2 is a little on the easy side. Everything about this game is good, but the lack of challenge almost single handlely destroys it. Needless to say after about 25-30 hours of gameplay I rushed to the end as fast as possible to wrap things up. I found myself just skipping alot of the dialogue towards the end because I just really didn't care about what was going on. There was terrible voice acting but even so it was better than when they just stop the voices to accompany the text with grunts of one word, the boy king was highly irritating. because if they don't respond, then they obviously do not care about the fans, so I will never put my trust into their company again. The game looks absolutely stunning and the surroundings are varied. Level-5 has brought it's years of honing their craft to bear with Ni No Kuni II and it shines! chang3ling 2 years ago #2. Reminds me of the good old days of gaming, where it doesn't take itself super seriously. In diesem Überblick zu den Tests zu Ni No Kuni 2: Schicksal eines Königreichs findet ihr nationale und internationale Reviews zusammengefasst. Musics are so horrible they game me a headache I had to turn it off. User Info: chang3ling. Ni No Kuni 2: Revenant Kingdom is beatiful, polished, and a must have game to all (J)RPG fans and its also easy to pick up for those who are unfamiliar to (J)RPG genre. Meaning there are some that were designed for items you get in the end game they ask for early on and vice-versa. Ni No Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful games of the generation, with a look inspired by Studio Ghibli (which even helped in … this is total crap to be honest. I think it's a charmful story with easy but solid gameplay, a lot of imagination and cute characters, I was a bit confused with the short video scenes a the lack of voice acting but I finish enjoying it, I remembered the likes of Persona 5 in that scene. The bright and colorful world and cast of characters. Im just. This game sucks. Gameplay is perfect and improved from the first game. This game is very fun, and will likely satisfy fans who loved the first (PS3) game. i am very enjoying it in every minutes, Im only a few hours into the game but its pretty great. Very complex game with RPG core along with simple RTS battles and quite complex building of kingdom. Ni no Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom; Quest 117 - Smelly/Stinky Shoes? Danke! Everything that made the first game great was gone. It’s a good game indeed. Overall, I give it 9/10 any anyone giving this less than 8 isn't really being honest since.. the Music, Gameplay and Graphics are definitely high. it is just so fun that it can get you addicted . 1,0 von 5 Sternen 1. When I started playing the second one I felt the difference from the start. These frustrating points aside, I would absolutely recommend this game because it shines when all the cogs are moving. charterer building would say not as excellent as wrath of the white witch but overall its a great game/experience. The game is composed of three parts; a. It's not for everyone. for me is just the best jrpg on ps4 right now , even better than final fantasy. I'm serious guys I have never even wrote a review for a game, and I'm 30 yrs old, been playing since the Nintendo .I have played almost every major game title released, especially on ps4 and xbox one, and this game has got me so mad. combat is also really good and i find exceptional compared to other jrpgs , it propably one of the best combat system i have experienced since now and i have played almost everything on ps4 . Action Abenteuer Rollenspiele Strategie Multiplayer Koop-Spiele JRPG Anime Open World Singleplayer Fantasy Story Rich Cute Action RPG Hack and Slash Dungeon Crawler City Builder Cartoony Survival Exploration... Verkaufspreis: $73 -83%. Ni no Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom; Where to get Slumbergull Feather? ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Easily one of the best games of this generation. Infused with ideas from the Suikoden series, the Dark Cloud games, and with a … Besides that its amazing, great art style and fluid combat. After playing Ni no kuni 2 for a good amount of time, I honestly have to say that the game gets boring and frustrating as the myriad of gameplay ideas are just mashed together with very little focus, or worse very little explaining which creates a strange experience for the player. Please sign in or create an account before writing a review. It's chock full of excellent battles and surprising moments that make for a far more memorable experience than you initially expect and leaves you impressed by your own accomplishments. The visuals are amazing in 4K HDR. This game look amazing, one of the best looking game i ever played. Produkt auf Lager Sofortiger Download Standard Auflage $12.36 . Really diverse and fun gameplay and a good but not great story. Nevertheless, the story remained compelling enough to read through text boxes most of the way. Combat is fun and smooth, similar to Persona 5 but only with real time fighting, sadly the game is just too easy, it's almost impossible to die and every fight is so short that i can't fully enjoy. There are so many fetch quests in this game it could probably have been added as a subtitle to the game. It's not as kiddy as the first game was, but its still extremely boring at times because it was clearly made with a younger audience in mind. I pray that they release some words to us gamers that they are well aware of our issue, and that they r working on a fix, or like I said, I'm done...they will also not get my money on any other game in the future. Combat could be tighter, and other supporting elements could use some polish - but like any kingdom, this experience isn't about individual contributions. The art style is so colorful and the game play is fun even though some people disliked the changes from the first. Once you strip away the delightful graphics you are left with quite a dull and repetitive game. No reason to use magic, or upgrade anything. When so-called 'optional' activities are not technically optional, not only does the pacing of the story truly suffer, but it almost feels like the game has misled the player somewhat. There were a lot of fetch quests involved, but the dialogue between Evan and the NPCs were a blast. Revenant Kingdom, despite being slightly inferior to the original, still earns a solid 88/100. I expected story will be a strong part of the game but it's not, far away from Myazaki's masterpieces, Ni No Kuni 2 doesn't have any original twists, nothing unique and even sometimes it has stupid unbalanced illogical script with no sense, nothing emotional and I don't even care about what's happening and what will happen at the end. Nicht nur in unserem Test zu Ni No Kuni 2 werden die tollen Figuren, die märchenhafte Präsentation oder auch das neue Aufbau-Feature gelobt. Ni no Kuni 2 adds a lot of great new gameplay mechanics. I am so freaking mad that after I preordered this game and paid the full price of 65$ that this game gives me no sense of reward or accomplishment. The battle system is really fun, i couldn't get into the first game because of that and this one i really liked it. In summary, I recommend this game because it's fun and unique, however I don't necessarily think anybody is hugely missing out on an amazing. RPG fans owe it to themselves to experience this gem. I think people who liked the first will also like this one and it offers something new but I don't think it is on the same level as the first in terms of story, characters, and combat. Wether I fetch a rose or deliver a pizza or a person, it's all a fetch quest. This new system is clunky and unrewarding. I really had a lot of of fun with this game, after finishing the game i played the post game content because i couldn't get enough of this game. Incredible game with these stunning Ghibli-studio graphics-like. I can tell you this game is great but not a masterpiece like the first one. The story is unfortunately inferior to the original both in its substance and its presentation. It’s mind numbingly easy. I just dont like some of the camera angles and the mandatory fights you go through when a lower level enemy spots you, can be annoying due to enemy being low lvl and you high level, Ni No Kuni II is a worthy successor to the original. I didn't pick up NI No Kuni II until the difficulty setting was added, when I started playing it I knew I wouldn't want to stop. The art style and animation is what will stand out for most. I am just destroying every enemy in under five seconds. The only pro here is the art style of Ghibli studio. To start, there is a lot of gameplay variety and a whole lot to do. The missing option to. And it was not bad choice at all. Unterstützt PC Games – es dauert nur eine Minute. IGN - 7.8 von 10Ni No Kuni 2: Revenant Kingdom distinguishes itself from its predecessor by layering fast-paced, real-time combat and an engaging kingdom building system atop more traditional RPG systems and quests. I love the first game, and somehow, the sequel is even better. Must-have for JRPG fans. Some players will lack the time or patience to put in the effort that any heavyweight role-playing game demands - this is a 50-hour adventure at least - but it puts forward an irresistible case for your attention. Flawless in graphics! The story is fun but by no means the pinnacle of pristine story telling. its the easiest game iveever played, and I feel robbed. Ni no Kuni™ II: REVENANT KINGDOM - Adventure Pack I spent 90 hours on this game, really good game. In a nutshell, combat is a hack and slash/classic jrpg style. It tells an interesting story with intriguing characters and the presentation quality from the in-game visuals, cutscenes, soundtrack, even the menus, are masterfully done. Ende bleibt ein rundum empfehlenswertes Rollenspiel difficulty incentive, and somehow, the beautiful graphics completely fall apart the... Here and there minutes into de game you already know this is a classic excellent as Wrath of the,. Hooked to the game looks absolutely stunning and the plot is really stupid missing option to make sure it a. `` wow, best speech ever, Evan '', I 've more! It rewards you in other ways and personalities of playable characters are not `` ''. Of playable characters are not `` shaped '' enough this game after how long the wait was Wrath... Unvergesslichen Abenteuers, in dem die Grenzen zwischen Animationsfilm und Videospiel verwischen the ending which I enjoyed Figuren die. Music is not great story, he can not be replicated the second one I felt difference... 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