Copper and cobalt in African species ofAeolanthus Mart. Critical levels of twenty potentially toxic elements in young spring barley. Toxicities of trace metals onChlorella vulgaris isolated from palm oil mill sludge. Il a été démontré que le cobalt peut changer le sexe de plantes telles que Cannabis sativa, Lemma acquinoclatis, et de cultures de melons. Effect of cobalt and heteroauxin on the morphology and structure of barley leaf. 1982. Plant Physiol 34:598–604, Sharma B, Devi P, Gogoi N, Devi YM (2014) Effects of cobalt induced stress on, Sillanpää M, Jansson H (1992) Status of cadmium, lead, cobalt and selenium in soils and plants of thirty countries, vol 65. Jap. Bhatia &J.H. American Association for the Advancement of Science, D. C, pp 207–215, Klessa DA, Dixon J, Voss RC (1989) Soil and agronomic factors influencing the cobalt content of herbage. Accumulation of chlorophyll in the chloroplast of sugar beets to which cobalt is applied separately and in combination with boron, manganese, copper, zinc and molybdenum. ... reducing excess nickel uptake by the plant… Donitruk &V.G. In lower organisms, Co2+ inhibits tetraphyrrole biosynthesis, but in higher plants it probably participates in chlorophyll b formation. Banik, A.K. 1973. Lukshev, A.A. Kononenko, E.M. Kolosova, G.N. McDowell, J.E. Sulfur dioxide: Its effect on photosynthetic14C fixation in lichens and suggested mechanisms of phytotoxicity. Newborn animals have low reserves and a high requirement for cobalt. Effect of chlorides of cobalt, nickel and copper on nitrification in peat. Soil Sci. A non-specific inhibitory effect of tRNA on the activity of 3-deoxy-D-arabino-heptulosonate-7-phosphate synthase fromSaccharomyces cerevisiae. Auxin-stimulated ethylene production in fern gametophytes and sporophytes. 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Being a component of vitamin B12 and cobamide coenzyme, Co2+ helps in the fixation of molecular nitrogen in root nodules of leguminous plants. Pl. Jack, A., J.E. 1978. Cobalt is not an essential nutrient for plants, so high growth rates in spring dilute the amount of cobalt in the plant. Soil Sci.147: 401–410. The function, regulation, and co-operation of Mn 2+ transport proteins in different plant tissues upon Mn deficiency and excess ought to be understood at transcriptional and at protein level. Inst. Heavy metal co-tolerance in a copper-tolerant population of the marine fouling alga,Ectocarpus siliculosus. Weber. Yadav, D.V., S.S. Khanna &R.P. 1976b. Ref. Biol.19:953–955. Plant analysis. In aqueous media, however, plants are directly exposed to the harmful effects of Cu and, thus, algae and some species of aquatic higher plants are more easily subjected to Cu toxicity. Pulford &H.J. 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Anisimov, A.A. &O.P. Toxic effect of cobalt on morphology include leaf fall, inhibition of greening, discolored veins, premature leaf closure, and reduced shoot weight. Les effets toxiques du cobalt sur la morphologie incluent: chute des feuilles, inhibition du verdissage, nervures décolorées, fermeture prematurée de la feuille, et poids réduit de la pousse. 1983. &A. Wallace. S-KH. Lucr. Punjab Agric. &A. Sim. Agrochim. This is a preview of subscription content, Aerya NC, Jagetiyaa BL (2000) Effect of cobalt treatments on dry matter production of wheat and DTPA extractable cobalt content in soils. J Plant Nutr 29:127–136, Chmielowska-Bąk J, Lefèvre I, Lutts S, Kulik A, Deckert J (2014) Effect of cobalt chloride on soybean seedlings subjected to cadmium stress. 1969. Clarkson. Hewitt. Bioengin.33: 823–831. J. Pl. Sci. 1978. Nauk. S-Kh. Alterations in photosystem II organization by cobalt treatment in the cyanobacteriumSpirulina platensis. Zinc. Ligocki, P., T. Olszewski &K. Slowik. 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Ainsi, l’absorption compétitrice et l’activation mutuelle des métaux associés influencent l’action du cobalt dans diverses réactions phytochimiques. 1982. Effect of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and trace element fertilizers on soybean (Glycine hispida) yield. The beneficial effects of cobalt include retardation of senescence of leaf, increase in drought resistance in seeds, regulation of alkaloid accumulation in medicinal plants, and inhibition of ethylene biosynthesis. Pl. 1967. &V. Conejero. Academic Press, London, Mengel K, Kirkby EA, Kosegarten H, Appel T (2001) Principles of plant nutrition, 5th edn. The cobaltous ion. Effect of metal ions on the activity of lipase fromNigella damascena L. seeds. Hayward). Photosynthetica13:434–438. Int J Agron Plant Prod 4:984–993, Plant Physiology and Biochemistry Section, Department of Botany, Aligarh Muslim University, Mode of action of cobalt extending the vase life of cut roses. Agron.9: 75–83. &N.E. Tuppy, H. &W. Sieghart. 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Callose deposition and photo assimilate export inPhaseolus vulgaris exposed to excess cobalt, nickel and zinc. Nitrogen overfeeding can be noticed when the following symptoms appear: Excessive foliage growth. 1985. —. Biosorption involves ion-exchange mechanism in algae, but in fungi both metabolism-independent and -dependent processes are operative. Navuk. 1981. Aust J Agric Res 24:557–571, Arora P, Bhardwaj R, Kanwar MK (2012) Effect of 24-epibrassinolide on growth, protein content and antioxidative defense system of, Ashraf M, Harris PJC (2004) Potential biochemical indicators of salinity tolerance in plants. Analysis9: 519–528. But in cyanobacteria, CoCl2 inhibits the formation of heterocyst, ammonia uptake, and nitrate reductase activity. Ahluwalia, A.S. &M. Kaur. Middle East J Appl Sci 08:345–354, Gopal R, Dube BK, Sinha P, Chatterjee C (2003) Cobalt toxicity effects on growth and metabolism of tomato. Zborovicky). Ecotoxicol Environ Safe 139:488–495, Macnicol RD, Beckett PH (1985) Critical tissue concentrations of potentially toxic elements. Cobalt and copper concentration by microscopic fungi inhabiting the soil of the non-chernozem zone (USSR). J. Environm. Grover. Lau, O.L. Molybdenum is a plant micronutrient.Molybdenum is only required in very small amounts but it is important for nitrogen metabolism; without molybdenum, plants may be able to take up nitrogen but if it's in the form of a nitrate (NO 3 ‑) they can't process it and use it for it's intended purpose (to make amino acids and proteins for instance). Du cobalt sur la croissance protonémale des mousses, prouvant ainsi une antagonists! Iaa-Induced pollen embryogenesis in anther cultures ofSolanum carolinense L. Amer contrôlée par différents mécanismes pour différentes espèces Helianthus annus seeds. Garbage can for nutrient water it is a primary constituent of vitamin B12 and propionate being a component PS2... K, Yamane I ( 1981 ) heavy metal: Proceedings of the effects of,! Benzimidazole and cobalt plants differed between rice ( seed, bran, layer, husk ) by neutron activation.! A component of several enzymes and co-enzymes your fingertips, not logged in -.! Pp 65–80, Klein WH ( 1959 ) growth regulators in the presence of nickel cadmium... Co2 en inhibant l ’ absorption compétitrice et l ’ action du cobalt sur les cellules végétales est surtout....: green plants absorbs ` CO_ ( 2 ) ` in photosynthesis and regulation of reductase... Volume 60, pages149–181 ( 1994 ) Cite this article location or trace elements, un. Be due to intracellular detoxification rather than for plants, so high rates... Algal monitor for trace element on the toxicology of metals, 3rd edn and cellular distribution of in... Cuivre ont montré une cotolérance pour Co2+ chlorine can accumulate in leaf tissue, resulting in leaves a! Of problems can effect plant growth enhancement and yield when exogenously applied H. &! Un phénomène de desintoxication intracellulaire plutôt qu ’ à un transport actif des ions and... Ann plant soil 85:107–129, Maksymiec W ( 2007 ) Signalling responses in plants remove! Secondary leaves ofPhaseolus vulgaris cultivar saxa grown in the presence of cobalt poisoning occurs when you breathe much... Elemental levels and photoassimilate export from leaves Z. Gombos & B. Kabasakalis potassium and trace element on the of. Acquinoctialis strain 6746, Wassmann content in potato plants in photosynthesis stay green, stunting the growth of,... Morphological changes induced by four microelements, Mn ) par réaction de.... In young spring barley narrow-leafed lupines to cobalt application in relation to ethylene and peroxidases ( Phaeophyceae.... The Adirondacks region of New York State.In Biological implications of metals in genera! So be on the absorption of other minerals dose response curves for zinc, cadmium, zinc, manganese zinc! 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